
Giving zakaat for previous years

Q: My father saves enough money and my mother has jewellery. I know the nisaab for savings, gold and silver. As per the criteria, Zakat is wajib on my parents. Till now, in their entire life they didn't pay zakat. They did toubah (repented) for not paying it. Now how do they pay zakah for all the previous years because they don't know when they became sahib-e-nisaab.

Also determining the savings of my father for all the previous years is quit complicated. How much should they start giving from this year?

Discharging zakaat to people who one thought were recipients of zakaat

Q: My aunt was widowed when my cousins were very young. We were told that they can accept zakaat. Years later I realised that my aunt did not have cash but did have all her gold jewellery. The house my uncle had was sold and the money invested to pay their rent. My aunty worked and earned and my grandparents and family helped where they could.

Is our zakaat that we had given discharged, as it seems that the daughters did have gold, saved money and are entitled to about R67 000 each. As family we were told that they had nothing.

If the zakaat is not discharged how would one go about discharging it?

Accepting zakaat funds for a bursary

Q: I’m a 19 year old student currently studying at Univeristy. My father has just recently got a job but the income barely covers our home expenses and my mother is unemployed. My mother does however have money invested where she receives some every month and this covers the rest of our house expenses. My parents cannot afford to pay my univeristy fees with this money. I have been offered a bursary but they give Zakaat money. I would like to find out if it is permissible for me to accept this money.