
Adjusting the zakaat rate


a) Do you agree with those scholars that say that an adjusted rate of Zakaat i.e. 2.577 % should be used when the figures used to calculate ones zakaat are obtained from financial information that are released on an annual basis (solar calendar) example Annual Financial Statements of multinational companies.

b) If Mufti saheb does not agree with the above, what alternative does he suggest to calculate zakaat in the absence of any other financial information?

Calculating zakaat on investments

Q: I am a widow since four months. I have two daughters which are married. I don't have any brothers. In the presence of my husband there were 13 lacs deposited in saving. Every month I receive 10 thousand from income which is not enough for monthly expenditure that's why my husband's elder brother supports me. So basically my question to you is that am I supposed to give zakat on the 13 lacs?

Using zakaat money to pay the school fees of poor children

Q: At our school we want to ensure that all zakaats collected on behalf of Zakaat eligible learners is carried out according to Shariah. Could you please provide guidelines for accepting zakaat and using the same for payment of school fees. We also require guidance with formulating a formal appointment letter to collect zakaat for learners eligible to receive zakaat.

Sayyid taking zakaat

Q: A father who is not allowed to accept zakaah (due to his lineage) but due to him being unemployed and barely getting by he accepted some zakaah hampers and money. Is the hampers that he accepted halaal upon his children?

Sacrificing an animal for sadaqah

Q: I'm currently expecting my 5th baby who will be due Insha Allah next year Feb or march. I'm very scared this time around. I don't really know why but my trust is firm with Allah. My question is that is it permissible if my husband and I sacrifice a sheep in the name of Allah when the time comes for delivery of baby in the hope that Allah will except and grant easy labour and fast swift delivery of baby and distribute the meat amongst the less fortunate? Is all of this permissible in Islam or not? An urgent reply will be highly appreciated.

Calculating one's zakaat when one has cash, gold and gold coins

Q: I have tried calculating my zakaat but unfortunately I get quite confused when gold is added. Will really appreciate some guidance on this.

1. I recently married and received pieces of jewellery which is less than 85 grams in total. Am I liable to pay zakaat on this?

2. I currently have 2 (1 oz) Kruger coins as well as 2 Mandela coins. When I researched the grams its 28.35 grams = 1 Ounce. The mandela coins have 5.1 grams of Gold and 2.68 grams of silver. Am I liable to pay zakaat on this?

I also have cash but shukr at least this I know how to calculate.