
Writing out a will and giving gifts after testing positive for Covid

Q: My father tested positive for covid virus. He was in isolation and had taken this time to write out a will. He gave me and my mother many gifts in this time. We accepted this from him immediately. He passed away 3 weeks later.

Is this allowed or would it be considered Maraudal Maut? The other heirs say we should return the gifts to the estate.

Terminally ill person longing to meet Allah

Q: Is it the right attitude to have if someone, who is terminally ill, says, "I'm looking forward to meeting my Lord". As Allah says "أما من خاف مقام ربه" Should a person not be fearful of dying and his hisaab up until the last moment? I heard someone say this as they were approaching the last 1-2 months of their passing and it struck me as being inappropriate, almost arrogant. Please advise.

Reciting a para for one's own khatam and sending it as esaal-e-sawaab for another khatam

Q: I would like to find out regarding Quraan Khatams.

Usually when someone passes away and one goes to visit the relatives of the deceased - there are paras left out for whoever chooses to read and send esaale sawaab for the deceased. Similarly a group of willing relatives/ friends may distribute paras amongst themselves in order to complete a khatam for the deceased person.

So usually in the above cases, one chooses whichever para one likes - to contribute to the khatam. 

My question is: if one reads Quraan tilaawah daily and makes a khatam of that over the course of a month or a few months and perhaps, for example they are currently on the 10th para. So will it be permissible/valid for them to also choose the 10th Para for their khatam for the deceased person with the intention of only reading the para ONCE and the intention being for ones daily tilaawah as well as - contributing to the khatam for the esaale sawaab for the deceased person?