
Making tawbah

Q: Five years ago when I was 13 years old we went abroad. My sister was 11 years old and we were considered as kids and therefore shared 1 room and slept on 2 beds combined together and had one blanket. I at that point of time knew nothing about zina and all these thing related to zina indeed I barely knew anything as I was 13. I didn't want to go to school in grade 5 as it was a new school so I would cry at night but silently and once when everybody was sleeping I was awake as I didn't want to go to school and I got this weird feeling about opposite gender and bear in mind i knew nothing. So my sister was sleeping so i put my hand inside her clothes and tried to touch her body parts but i dont think so i touched although i out my hand inside but i dont remember that i touched all her body parts but i tried and then put her hand on my main point. I hdnt intend to do it but it just happened i wonder why. After that nothing happened and i didnt have any regrets and but now after 5 years when i am 18 i have realized that i did such a bad thing and sometimes i feel very bad but then i think i was 13 wasnt a boy i was a kid i knew nothing about these things and was innocent but then i feel no matter what i shall be punished i have told my parents and they forgave me and told me to move on but i feel very bad and tensed. So maulana sb tell me is it something i will be punished for i have prayed and cried for my forgiveness and when i am tensed my mom constantly tells me to move on or satan will succeed and make you mental. She says whats done is done and you didnt do it now at the age of 18, you did it 5 years ago. And sometimes i do feel bad but then i think that boys or girls develop at the ages of 14 or 15 and girls or boys dont develop physically at the age of 11 or 13 so I then think that my sister was also small and me too plus I didnt commit zina so just forget it and just move on but then again i feel bad and tensed so maulana sb tell me what to do and is it really something that should be taken into account or that was just foolish childhood? Sir give me a detailed reply i need your help and is this tensed and bad feeling coming because of Allah or satan and i am sure that Allah will forgive me because i was innocent i knew nothing and plus i didnt have bad intentions it just happened coz i was awake and just happened once. And sometimes i feel i have ruined my sisters life and because i touched her and that i have ruined her life but then i think girls dont develop physically at the age of 11 so just forget it. My dad said just move on and forget it just happened because you were young in the sense that i was small because i didnt have wet dreams at the age of 13 i had them later and i had no physical changes in my body so just move on.

Being possessive over one's wife

Q: My question is regarding my own personality which I think is like a dual personality or I am a selfish person. I love my wife and respect her as well but when I see her speaking to family members, I feel jealous. I mean even if she is with her brothers and sisters I get upset and I get stressed. I pray five times but still my mind is at unrest. Please I need your help.

Encouraging the husband to perform Salaah

Q: My question is about that my husband does not pray regularly even if he got time. He is lazy and he get depressed in life and he can't do a proper job. He gets angry with his wife, kids and family for little things. I want to ask you that as a Muslim how many times I have to tell him to perform Salaah and practise Deen? What shall I pray or do to better my circumstance because I really want my husband and kids to be good Muslims and good Da'ees in Islam?

Maintaining family ties

Q: I am a teenager and my problem is that my maternal aunt doesn't love me. She loves my other cousins. She cares for them and shows affection towards them but she has no feelings for me. She shows little or no affection towards me. She does not like to talk to me. She gets annoyed if I sit beside her. I know that my maternal aunt has the same status as my mother and I try to uphold the ties of kinship but I feel so embarrassed by her behaviour. Please tell me what to do.


Q: I'm having problems with my marriage and I told all my problems to one Mufti who lives in Ajmer, India. I met him online. I have very serious problems in my family. So Mufti Arfaz says that wazifa won't solve all problems and He told me that he has to sacrifice a goat for me. He will go at night to graveyard and sacrifice the goat there, but he needs money for the goat. After I sacrifice the goat, I will get married within 48 hours. But my family found out that I tried to send money to Mufti Arfaz and I told them what he told me. They said that whatever he does is haraam. Even though his methods really work. They tell me not to speak to him and my dad fought with him. My parents just can't understand my sitiation that I'm helpless. But who is right Mufti Arfaz or my family?

Husband involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I am a revert Muslim and have been married for 6 years. Its been 6 months that my husband is seeing another girl and recently moved in with her a month ago. He comes home now and then just for an hour or so and keeps telling me his coming home and that he loves me. Please help me. The night I caught him with the girl, he was hiding behind the door. When I got him behind the door he laughed at me and I was so shocked Ya Allah his body was there but the head on the body was not his that just smiled at me. I am sad, heart broken and have two kids and don't know what to do. Please guide me and let me know what I can recite to bring him back home. This is not my husband the way he is now, he was a house person and always had time for his family and kids. We love him and miss him a lot. I believe with what I saw on his body that something like black magic has been done to him to keep him away from his family. Please help me.

Marital problems

Q: My mother often spoke some harsh things to my wife. I came to know these things from my wife later. What should I do in this case? As far as I know I can't not tell my mom that you are doing wrong. Please tell what should I do?

2. I and my wife decided that my Sala (wife's brother) will remain with me , but my mother told me don't do this. This is a wrong decision. In this case, what should I do?

Difficulty in exams

Q: Please help me out with verses for success in exam for a child having difficulty to interpret and comprehend exam questions. He has a problem putting it to paper. I got all the other duas for exams. Is there any verse he can keep with him in his bag when writing?

Marital problems

Q: My mum got married to a divorced man 26 years back. Well my father now is 63 years old, talks to girls in front of my mum, give his card to them and asks them for dinner and has bad intentions which I can't even say. I am his daughter. We all know and I have myself saw him walking and touching ladies hands, gazing at them, watching porn videos and asking my mum to have anal sex. My father knows that Islam declared these thing haram but he does not have sense of it. He does not perform namaz. It seems that he is totally out of religion, he is a very very bad person. I don't even like him. Sometimes he says I will go out with girls have diner and will do anal sex when I get a chance. Many things I have herd myself. My mom says I spend my whole life with him bearing his bad words, abuses, his hand when he beats her, his belt etc, still he is like this as if she means nothing to him. He also makes fun of her. My mum is a sugar and blood pressure patient and sometimes she feels like her brain will burst. I love her and can't see her this way. My brothers are not helping mother and they are not interested. They shout at her. Only I am my mum's shoulder. Please tell me what should I and my mum do? It is getting out of control.