
Marital problems

Q: I would like to go for a fasagh. As I am not happy and is afraid of my husband. He hurts me emotionally and physically. I am his second wife and most of the time he is with his first wife. We share a son together and he hardly has time for him. He has four other kids from his first wife and spends more time with them which hurts me as I can see the yearning in my sons eyes to spend time with his father as he is only three. I have embraced Islam almost 4 years ago and I have too google my religion as my husband does not salaah or even teaches my son. I don't know what more. He has never lifted his hands to me before but ever since he went on drug with the first wife he treats me and my son crap and hurts me. What can I do. I need help desperately. I have never went to the hospital or logged a case against him. I work and he sits at home.

Marital problems

Q: I have been married for three years and have two babies. My husband is abusive, drinks and might be having affairs as well. He says he wants this marriage to work but I can't live in Pakistan being born from UK as he takes advantage of me there. People say he is mad as the way he behaves makes my life very very hard to compromise. He has bipolar and shouts and fights without any real reasons. Please I would love him to be normal again. What should I do or read?

Cheating on one's wife

Q: I cheated with my wife by sleeping with another women. My wife came to know about it. She says if I say it's true then she wants talaaq. Should I lie to her that it's not true and continue with our marriage or should I tell her the truth.

Correcting one's intention

Q: I was wondering what would happen if a person for example buys a book with riya, but then makes tawbah and then uses it sincerely for only Allah Ta'ala? What happens in these situations when someone tries to follow Deen but he has corruption in his intention but later fixes it. Will he get reward for it?

Losing concentration and composure in Salaah

Q: I have a mental disability where I have psychosis, ocd, and split personality disorder. Sometimes in my Salaah it is not within my control to control the peace of mind and thus my ustaad ruled that for me, being in a state of peace or not does not count for me and my salaah will be fine. My question is, I sometimes do my Salaah when I am at peace but I mistakenly make the mistake of being not calm due to my illness. What should I do in this case with the Salaah that I have ruined in terms of I had already had peace in my mind and intentionally by accident got not peaceful?