
Experiencing problems with the in-laws

Q: I am a younge muslim widow. My husband died 6 month before with cancer. I have 7 years twins boys, we live in Newyork city by ourself. My in-law's family members hurts me with backbitting, false accusations and that makes me feel low, inferior and backward and it is a part of our bangladeshi culture and they almost don't support me with almost anything but my husband did huge contributions for them and made them rich but I have nothing here except my boys, so I have to work hard for raising our boys. I am not thinking about another man. I just want to be a good muslim mom and good widow, so can you advise me. Is it ok in Islam to avoid them or talk minimum or stay away from them as a good muslim woman? Please advise me I just want to live with my boys with respect and dignity.

Getting married with the blessings of one's parents

Q: I am 18 years old and have received a proposal from a guy who is 32 years old. I am quite keen and I have performed istikhara and so has a moulana and both were positive. A mufti also advised me that Ayesha (Radiyallahu Anha) was much younger than the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and islamically it is acceptable however my parents refuse to accept. My life at home has become very miserable and I am verbally abused and sometimes even hit for my decision. I can't seem to take it anymore and I think I should take things into my own hands and get married. Please advise.

Stopping the previous husband from living with his new wife

Q: I am Australia based. After a long sour relationship I divorced my ex-wife. She has completed her iddat now. I re-married back home and want to bring my new wife to Australia. But my ex. Wife is refusing to sign civil divorce papers and persistent to spend 12 months separation time. I believe it is not fair to stop a married couple to meet and live together. May I request you to please advise if my ex. wife's conduct is valid under Shar'iah law? Is she allowed to cause delays in adjoining of a legitimate married couple? Looking forward to your instructions.

Marital issues

Q: I have been married for 10 years and have 2 children aged 1 and 3. My husband and I fight constantly because he has a bad temper. He smokes weed and hangs around with non muslim friends. He has never beaten me so that I have marks but has struck me and pushed me while holding my baby. He has always tried to kick me out of the house but my mother in law has intervened and allowed me to stay. If he says he wants a divorce and I should leave, what are his responsibilities towards his children as we do not have anywhere to go and I cannot afford to rent a place on my salary.

Inheritance problem

Q: Myfamily is facing financial problems. My father is retired from job he is now jobless because he got heart attack and we dont have any other source of income to run the expenses of the house. My mother is rightful and lawful owner to get the property of my maternal parents as per shariah. As my uncles (mama's) mother's brothers have kept the property on hold, instead of handing over appropriately rightfully according to shariah. I am praying tahajud and doing dua everytime. Please I request you to advise me some dua to read to get my mother's property. Suggest me some dua to recite so that I get my mother's property as early as possible. My mama's are just stating they will give but they are not distributing. Please suggest me some dua to gain my mother's property easily.

Girl independently looking for her own suitor

Q: I am a female 23 years of age. In my life there is a boy I want to marry with good intentions. Right now he is responsible to look after his family as he doesn't have father. My parents are insisting with me to do marriage with another person for which I am not ready at all. I have done istekhara so many times its positive always. But the condition of life is too tough now either to listen my parents or wait for the person whom i like. He likes me too. I again did istekhara asking Allah Ta'ala to guide me either to wait or move with other proposal. Subhan Allah I have dreamt that I should wait for the guy which was a clear indication from Allah Ta'ala. Please suggest me what should I do according to this situation after seeing istekhara. An early reply would be apprecitated. The boy I like he is now trying for a job so it may take some 2 or 3 years till he completes his responsibility. Should I take a decision based on istikhara? What should I do please suggest me something better.

Father purchasing a TV licence on the son's name

Q: Here in the UK if people want to watch TV they have to pay for a TV license. The thing is I have a problem with my eyesight and people with disability only have to pay half of the price for the TV license, so years ago when I was a child my dad put the TV license in my name so we only have to pay half the price, so its in my name and the money comes out of my bank account so does that mean I get gunaah for it being in my name and paying for it and also do I get gunaah for all those people in the house who watch TV? I never chose to have it in my name. My patents made the choice when I was a kid and i only found out when I was older. What should I do?