
Speaking lies

Q: I have a very big problem. I can't stop lying to my family and friends. Also I feel it difficult to share personal information with those closest to me. I am completely isolated and feel that my pride is interfering with my relationships. Please help me with some advice how I can overcome this dilemma.

Premarital relationship

Q: I am a 25 year old muslim girl. Four years a go meat a guy and by time we both fell in love, its been 3.5y ears now we are in a relationship until today he did not touch me we did not do anything physical. After a few months of the relationship he went to Australia for a better life. He is Masha Allah a hafiz e quran and a very nice person. He is now in Australia he finished his education trying to get a PR his family has agreed on us getting married but my parents have issues like he is less educated then I am. His father had passed away when he was 3 so there is no one supporting him financially he is working in Australia and earning enough to pay his University fees and living and other expenses according to him he can also support his wife and a child. According to him he is well settled. His mother had called my mother to ask my hand in marriage 2 years a go after that his brother had called my father a number of times. First my father wanted him to finish his education now that the education is done and they are trying for a PR. His brother calls my father and gives him all the details my father just listens to the what they have to say and thats it gives no response my father also does not even tell my mother about the calls or messages. One time when his brother messaged my father my father saw the message but did not reply to it. If my mother tries to explain my father he gets angry and aggressive. We both are true and loyal and I want to make my love halaal. I do not want to hurt my parents. My friends also have told me to run away or get married without my parents knowing but I did not want to do that. Can you please guide me about what islam says about getting marred according to my will and can you tell me a dua that would help me convince my parents. And also please let me know that with this attitude of my father towards a person who is a hfiz quran prays all the namaz earns halaal has a good heart and character am I allowed to do my nikaah without my fathers permission.

Son in-law being short tempered

Q: My question is that it's been 22 years of my daughters wedding. She has 4 daughters.actually my son in law is really very short tempered and abusive too and he mostly misdoubts on his daughters but infact my grand daughters are engaged in holy teachings including my daughter as well. My elder grand daughter has all the qualities which a girl should have. Due to my son in law all proposals are rejected so what should we recite? So what can we do to overcome this problem?

Addicted to sniffing glue

Q: I want to tell somthing and ask somthing. Allhumdilla I have been in tabligh for 4 month and I have a beard too. But my ammal are not good just outside I look like muslim and religious person but my ammal is like shaitan. I dont know what is going with me. I have done lots of tauba and cried in front of Allah but next I break tauba. It feels that shaitan is in my body. I think 1 year I am addicted or got nasha of glue liquid smell. I dont know what is called in english. But it is a thing that we usually use to put on our carpet to stick. Actually I was in tabligh and always do ghast to other home in saudi arabia jeddah, there I met them and they were also far relative of mine but we met for deen ki nasbit. They had business of quran box and make decoration of quran inside home. So i usally come to theem coz of deen nasbit but i was so attached with them that we become friends.then after few month my friends offer me to sit in the smell of that glue friend use to put glue fastly in that big sheet like clothes in that room we use sit and get maza in it and i usually love it coz in that i was feeling that i am getting closer to ALLAH and i was in nasha i used to do bayan and i cried .then it was my daily routine to go to home at time of putting glue and sit there and discuss things and somtime religous talk and now my feeling is like this that i am addicted to that thing and when ever they put i go there home and now my friend dont let me talk about deen things coz they tell me that this is nasha u taking and in nasha u shouldnt talk about deen islam.just talk about anything else not deen boz our mind get finished it feel like sharab is i reliaze it that i am addicted to nasha of that glue. But i am trying not go and turn to ALLAH but still sometime I think in that think i come closer to Allah .coz mufti g before that my life was like this do tauba and break tauba .i wanted istaqamat in deen .but in this nasha my friday prayer is also missing.mufti g i just want a adivce from you and any wazifa to get rid of this nasha. is this haram what i am doing.

Marital problem

Q: I and my wife are currently experiencing marital issues/problems. After a heated argument/exchange I said to her that she must be out of the house when I get home. On my return that evening I found that my wife had indeed left, taking our four kids, all of their clothing, all of the groceries and some items which belonged to me. Apparently she went to her friends home and later that week to family (She was gone for a whole week), Subsequent to this I was served with a protection order wherein the Magistrate declared that I am to leave the property and that I am barred from entering my home until some time in October when the court will make a decision relating to the order whether it may make it permanent. I have been in a state of depression ever since and am now sharing a BED with my uncle as I have no other place to go to. I have not issued any Talaaq but have been instructed by her family that I must continue paying the rent and expenses as nafaakaah. Firstly, what rights do I have here, my wife does not want to re-concile saying that she needs time as I have caused too much damage over the 14 years of marriage. She says that she has until October, this is very unfair to me (my opinion) Admittedly I have done wrong in the past, I have expressed regret and remorse but she seems to not be listening / willing to let me back. I love my kids and do care for my wife and do not want to lose them. Please guide me and assist me here even if the pill is bitter to swallow.

Joining family ties

Q: My question is regarding a fight between relatives. My two aunts and my mother had a fight in 2013 on some issue and after that they stop contact and are not talking to each other. Since then my father was not available when this fight happened he is sad from what his sisters did because my mom was not at fault. After the fight my father tried to contact them but they didn't answered his call and after one week we came back to KSA after few months my aunt called my father but my father was angry so he scolded her and after that time till now they have no contact. In between this time my parents tried to fix this problem again but it didn't happen. Now my parents want them to contact and say sorry only then they will forgive them but my aunts are not agreeing on this. They think they are right. My father is really sad and one aunt is my mother in-law. I want to ask that according to the Islamic point of view what should I do to bring them together and end this situation?

Difficulty in getting one's daughter married

Q: Me and my family try to live according to the sharia and fulfill all the rulings of deen to some extent alhamdulillah. I have a twenty years old daughter who is quite pretty, obedient and well behaved alhamdulillah. Within the past two years a great number of proposals came for her. Women from different families come to see my daughter but afterwards neither they return nor they come in contact by any means. Some families show their interest clearly to me but never come. I am continually reciting the ayat what you suggest to everyone regarding getting good proposals after every salah and make dua. My daughter does the same too. One mufti sahib suggested to recite ayat no.62 of surah namal 14000 times every Wednesday till three Wednesdays in order to get rid of any obstacle. I did this too. I recite surah rehman thrice daily for this cause. I am too much worried mufti sahib. Please help with the suggestion in this matter. I would be obliged if you will reply sooner.

Making istikhara before consulting one's parents

Q: I have a question on a situation that recently occured. I was going through the Q&A's on this site and read that one should first consult people of experience e.g. parents before making a major decision and then making istikara. In my situation I made my istikara first about a matter and then consulted parents. My istikara felt positive but when speaking to parents they totally disagreed. The reason why I made my istikara first was because I myself wanted to be certain about it and then move forward. What i'm doing now is making dua that in Allah's infinite knowledge and mercy if it is correct then Allah should soften my relatives heart and if not I shud accepted it. Is this correct what im doing?

Marital problems

Q: I am in so difficult situation. I got love married. My parents did not agree. I did my nikah secretly then revealed it afterwards to my parents. They were so good that they forgave me and got us married properly. I went to my husband's home. They were joint family. My mother in law was my aunty, means elder sister of my mother. All brother and sister in laws were younger than me. I worked there all the time. In morning, in the evening. Work of the in laws. Pressed their clothes, did their washing, cooking, sweeping. Every single task of their household work. But my husband always said that you did not do anything. Get up and do every work of the home. You always laid down on the bed. I was hurt. I know it was not my responsibility to serve every one there except my husband. But I did only for the sake of Allah and my husband. But my husband remained unhappy with me. Whenevr I asked him for outing or go outside for refreshment he denied. After all he mistrusted me, critisized me always. He forbade me even to meet my mother and sister. He forbade me to attend my sisters wedding. Now my son is going to be one year. One week before I had a fight again with my husbnd that why dont you give me monthly maintenance or money for my and my son's needs. He said like always that I will start earning when our plot will be sold and I know there is no chance that this plot will never get sold ever. My son and I compromised in every condition there. We ate and lived on the money of my father in law for two years.but now for my son my patience has exceeded. When husband is not going to be responsible anyway. On the other hand he said me to get out of the home and my mother in law and all the in laws behaved with me so harshly that I was about to weep. My health is so ruined by bearing tensions and hardahips there but no one is happy with me. I asked my husband that may I go to my parents home? He told me to go. Then I called my father and he brought me to my parents home. Now I am here for about a week with my 11 month son. No one has called me yet. Now my parents decided that when my in laws or husband will come here for me,then they will ask for divorce. After all when he has not proven ever a husband nor ever fulfiled my requirements then there is no need to stay with him for the whole life. Now I am worried about myself. Please guide me what to do. I cannot live without him as I love him so much. But I am also annoyed by my inlaws too. He will not agree on a separate home also. I am seeking for a job also because my father is not so able to meet my and my babies needs completely. Guide me please. What should I do?

Experiencing problems with the in-laws

Q: I am a younge muslim widow. My husband died 6 month before with cancer. I have 7 years twins boys, we live in Newyork city by ourself. My in-law's family members hurts me with backbitting, false accusations and that makes me feel low, inferior and backward and it is a part of our bangladeshi culture and they almost don't support me with almost anything but my husband did huge contributions for them and made them rich but I have nothing here except my boys, so I have to work hard for raising our boys. I am not thinking about another man. I just want to be a good muslim mom and good widow, so can you advise me. Is it ok in Islam to avoid them or talk minimum or stay away from them as a good muslim woman? Please advise me I just want to live with my boys with respect and dignity.