

Q: Sometimes I feel that when I am doing some act of righteousness or I intend to do it, I feel this weak sincerity and sometimes I try to force myself that I am doing it only for the sake of Allah, but still my sincerity is weak. I don't stop to do the act anyway but I would like to know if my deeds will be accepted.

Daughter visiting her non-Muslim father

Q: My 18 year old daughter has decided to go against my wishes to see her father that last saw her when she was 2 years old. He embraced islam when we got married but reverted back to christianity when we got divorced. I've managed to keep her away from him as he has very bad habits but lately she has gotten in contact with him without my knowledge and he has promised her money and a better life. I don't know what to do. I would like to know what shariah says about this situation.

Domestic problems

Q: I am in a terrible situation. I'm a widow for 13 years and I am still living with my in-laws. Mother in law doesn't speak to me and now won't eat my food after 26 years. I overlook it as she is old. On the other hand I have my son recently married whose wife doesn't want him to keep with me and calls him mothers child and fights with him all the time. Please guide me.

Being patient and placing one's trust in Allah Ta'ala

Q: It has been three years since everything in my life has been going wrong and this point in my life is the most toughest. I have had to give my last born daughter 4 years to a madressah for two weeks to try and find a job and I have tried. I have used every single cent I could lay my hands on trying to find a job and I have come up with nothing. At this point I don't even have R6 for bread and I need to fetch my daughter at the end of this week. I feel very suffocated right now. I feel that I am a failure. What kind of a mother can't be there for her children. I have done everything I can for my children and now I'm not sure why but I do feel that I am loosing this battle and I need duas and advice as much as possible. All I ask for is to be able to provide for my children. Is that too much to ask for? I can't leave my baby there any longer and I don't think I can feed her when I do bring her.

Marital problems

Q: I have asked you about my personal problem. Now tell me what should we do. We are five sisters. Our father is a poor man. My elder sister's husband did a second marriage and after that at least 3 year he didn't go to my sister. She has three children in 15 years of marriage. My second elder sister is married for 10 years and her husband is not able to fulfil a husbands duties as well as financial needs. My third elder sister's husband is very well off but after 7 years of marriage he is also not able to fulfil her rights. My marriage is in it's third year but my husband's parents don't let me live with him for my whole life permanently nor does he himself want to take me with him. However, he can afford it easily abroad. He just came for 6 month in these 3 years. My younger sister is overage and my parents still didn't find her a soul mate. Please you tell me what should we all sister do. We are human, have emotions, can't take divorce. What has Allah revealed for such conditions? Should we just make sabar?

Facing difficulties

Q: What should I do? Everything I do in life is a failure. I have never had any success in my life. I feel helpless. I cannot provide sufficiently for my wife and child. We are bankrupt. Our business is broke. I am broke. Nothing is going the way it should. We read our namaaz, we pray to Allah asking for his divine intervention, but its as if Allah does not acknowledge us. We are in a lot of debt. I have given up, I feel like my only way out is death.

Premarital contact

Q: I am engaged and my in-laws are much wealthier than my family. I talk to my fiance on text messages. I observe the girl is rich and her parents fullfil all her wishes. She uses all expensive items which I know I cannot afford. My fiance's life routine is very different and my routine is very different. I told my parents about the routine they said girl will adjust herself after marriage. When my parents were looking for a girl for me, they never asked me what kind of girl I wanted to be my wife, what kind of in-laws etc. My family just fixed my engagement and showed me the girl. When I spoke her on Messages, I was disappointed. I cannot say to my parents that I don't want to merry her because they are very happy with this relationship, and this is not good for the girl also to break the engagement. Please help me I am tense.