
Nasheed programmes

Q: We have a young Molvi here, graduated from a Deobandi Darul Uloom, who is invited around the country to Masjids to perform nasheed programmes. He encourages others to join in and recite loudly with him. To me, it seems all rather like an entertainment package rather than instilling the fear and love of Allah and Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. The question I ask myself is how much Amal or the desire for Amal comes in to the life of the individual after attending these naat and nasheed programmes, for which we are now seeing such posters that one wonders, what is the difference between these posters and that of pop stars? Would I be correct in assuming that these programmes have no islahi benefit whatsoever? Secondly, is the Masjid to be used to recite nasheeds loudly in chorus and in unison? Thirdly, does such a young man, even though he is a Molvi, not get affected by the attention he is receiving? Surely pride enters his heart or should we believe that his Hazrat's company has purified him of the disease of pride? Please do enlighten us regarding these nasheed and naat programmes initiated by our newly qualified young Deobandi Molvis?


Q: My question is men will have hoor (beautiful women) in Jannah Insha Allah. But what about women, will they have their own husband as they married in earth or they will change the husband, kindly give details about how men and women will have their life partners in Jannah.

What should be done after the birth of the child

Q: Me and my wife are expecting our first child. I have doubts regarding fatherhood.

1. Doubt in keeping good Islamic name: For baby boy first choice was Hudh second choice Mika’eel(Angel of Allah) but I read some where that we can't keep name associated with angel's name.

2. What are the immediate responsibilities of the father as soon as the baby (boy/girl) is delivered with respect to giving azaan, namaz and other Islamic rites?

Protecting one's chastity

Q: I had a question regarding a female being chaste or being pure. If a girl has a haraam relationship with a ghair mehram, and they commit sexual acts like fondling, and all kinds of touching besides sexual intercourse, is she still considered a chaste female? Is she still paak daaman? The girl regrets the relationship she's in so much, and she makes sure not to do it again, can she still be forgiven? Or will she be placed in a category like zina? Also, she's trying to end the relationship with the guy completely, but he is saying that they should cut communication till they can talk to each other's parents about marriage. The girl and guy are from different cultures, both Muslim, but the girl is scared about the parents not being too open-minded. Should the girl end the relationship completely with the guy and marry the one her parents want later on? Or keep the relationship, and see what happens in the future?

Making tawbah and then repeating the sin

Q: I think I have some form of OCD so I constantly worry /doubt what I do. I used to live a careless life and have wanted to changed my ways so I did. I am trying to now be a better muslim. I read the prayer of repentance asking for forgiveness but when I was say ameen at the end a bad thought just comes into my head. With my OCD problem this happens a lot.

1) Did my namaaz still count?

2) If a person repents and asks for forgiveness then promises to try to be a better Muslim and tries not to make the same mistakes and makes a mistake will they be breaking their promise? I ask this as I am still young and I want to be practical. I mean if the person promises to try and its human nature to make mistakes then they wont be breaking their promise right?

3) If a person promises to never make the same mistake again but then realizes that it is better to promise to try to never make the same mistake again and says that, will the first statement be overridden? Because I think it is better to promise something that I know I can do for sure rather than be unpractical and think I will never make another mistake in my life because I want to strive to be better than I was before but I don't want to break a promise, so is it valid to promise to try instead? Did my namaaz count?

Making istikhara to go for umrah

Q: Is it permissible to do istikharah about going to umrah and when to go? Also my family and I have been requesting my father to take us to umrah for the past few years and alhumdulillah this year we have the means to go however my father says to wait because of his health conditions even though they are minor (for the past 2 years this has been the case), what do you advise?