
Adopting taqwa and placing one's trust in Allah Ta'ala

Q: I'm very despondent. My husband is from UK and now he is moving back there. He is leaving on Monday and will only return when he is coming back to take us there. There will be a separation of about three to six months until he gets our paperwork done. I have four kids and will be responsible for them in this time. I'm very worried as to how I will manage on my own. I'm also worried about temptation concerning my husband because he is easily tempted. I'm prepared to wait for him because on a previous email to you, you told me that I will be rewarded by Allah Ta'ala for waiting for him and guarding my chastity. Alhamdullilah I pray my five times salaah and read my quran, do my fardh, sunnah and nafl acts also. I'm just worried about my husband though. Please can you tell me what I can read daily for sabr and hidayah to manage the responsibility and to keep my husband away from temptation. And also for my depression and stress.

Being concerned for the well being of one's child

Q: I'm a bit stressed out. My baby is now almost 7 months old. He was Masha Allah developing and reaching all his millstones but he hasn't done some things like continuous roll over or turning to reach for toys while laying on the floor, only if it's in front of him or when he tracks from one eye to to another then he reaches for it. The reason we are concerned is that 5 years ago, I was blessed with a daughter. She is disabled and has been diagnosed with a neurological disorder. She was also developing well till 10 months and up to a year but regressed and then we did a genetics test and found out that she is missing a small protein in the brain that facilitates signals and messages from the brain to the rest of body which she is lacking, thus she doesn't walk, doesn't speak, has no hand use and of course not a normal brain. She had no deformities alhamdulillah! And Very good eye track! This disease only strikes spontaneously to girls and boys don't survive it but in rare cases boys may survive. The doctor tested to see me if I was carrying this disease and alhamdulillah I am not, during my pregnancy with my son, I did full screening through sono and I did a full genetics test. The Doctor also told me that it won't happen again. So I put my trust in Allah and asked for a child that will serve for his deen, and I also named him Abdullah. I really don't want him to have any disorders or any disease. I read all the duas and dhikrs for Allahs pleasure only. However, I would like to know if you you know of duas to read for his normal development and for the protection of any diseases? Sorry for the long explanation. Please keep us in your duas.

Good intentions

Q: Whenever I come across a situation where financial help is requested, either by a madresa, an orphanage or a hospital or some other need, I help as much as I can. I also think to myself that If I had lots of money, I would take on the whole project by myself. My question is, is it allowed to think in this way.

Simplicity and contentment

Q: How does one reconcile working for the akhirah (which are perhaps commanded or at least recommended: please comment) and working in this dunyah. I am the sole breadwinner of my family and in order for Allah Ta'ala to increase my rizk, increase His blessings, afford for my wife to stay at home and this as a model for my children, need to continuously improve and develop my career. As a result of the above, I am required to devote my time to part time study. Sustaining a career requires life-long learning of the worldly things. Is this permissible and in conformance with Islam? Notwithstanding reading of Quran, ta'leem, deeni studies are in place Alhamdulillah.

Obeying one's husband

Q: If i do something without my husband's permission, is this wrong? My husband don't want me to leave my house when he is not home. I want to sell avon and I need to look for customers and deliver their products. Do I need his permission to work?

Acknowledging one's mistake

Q: I'm married Alhamdulillah. When my husband lectures me via a message, of course I don't argue back. Then do I just not reply to him? Wouldn't that sound like I'm ignoring him even though I'm reading all the messages. Its my fault I accept. But when I say something it sounds like I'm arguing. So when my husband is lecturing me via a message then do I just not reply or what should I say?

Being involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I am a 37 year old woman and have been married for 18 years. I am not happy in my marriage and due to this I have pushed away my husband. We both live in one house like complete strangers. This has led me to have a relationship out of my marriage! I know this is gunaah but I have been with this man who I love dearly. I am stuck and feel very guilty for all that's happened but I can't leave this man. I feel I will die without him. This man has now married in my family with a close relative and says he will never leave me, but I know as well as you this is impossible. I feel stuck, hurt and upset. Please guide me. What should I do as I do not have any will power to walk away. I feel lost.

Fake hakeems

Q: I got to know from two different hakeems that I have some asaraat of narsu on my body. Few people know about this narsu. Basically its a snake which does sex with girls when they sleep and I feel the same every morning. Its very shameful to say these things to all and this narsu won't allow the person to be successful and to get married. It is considered as sadesaati to me and to all who belong to me. My question is that the only way to remove this narsu out of my body is to get physical with any of those hakeem. They said their intentions are not wrong. What should I do? Its a great sin but its a fact that wether you believe or not there's no future for the one who has this kind of thing on their body. I have to do whatever these hakeems say. Please guide me. I am a simple selfish human being. I may not have patience but I fear Allah a lot.