
Premarital relationship

Q: My engagement has been with my cousin. He used to love me but due to some misunderstanding he doesn't talk or want to be in this relation but our family doesn't want to break up. Please help me what can I do to melt his heart?

Marital problems

Q: My husband and I have been having endless problems for the past year now. I have left our home a few times due to his behaviour towards me . I am back at our home for 3 months now and for the last two months we have been having problems. He has hit me and also been chatting to other girls on social networks. He has a temper and his mood just switches and therefore he mistreats me. He also doesn't want me to visit my parents or socialize with my family. It has gone so bad now that I cannot talk to my husband or ask him for anything or rely on him for anything. I feel like I am living with a stranger. What can I do? I don't want to be with him anymore because of the way he is treating me but he does not want to give me talaaq. Please advise.

Opinions and comments of people

Q: I pray 5 times a day. I Believe in Allah and everything he has provided me is the best. I try my best to follow the guidance given by the prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). But the problem is that people, they degrade me, others try to outsmart me in the office, they sometimes bully me. Maybe that is why I haven’t achieved much in my profession. Maybe I’m not that smart but still, but lately it is been distracting me a lot from everything. I started to question my faith. Did I do something that Allah is punishing me? I’m so confused that I don’t know what to do. I tell myself everyday that this will end too. But now I’m not strong enough and maybe I don’t have what it takes to be like other people. I know that you received these kinds of mails every other day. I’m worried about, that how will it change me or take me far away from my Islam. Or maybe I have to spend my whole life like this. I know life is a test and Allah Ta'ala tests those who he wants to bring close to him. But I can’t take handle it anymore. Every second cannot be a test or I have so many sins that I have to live like this.

Stray thoughts

Q: I'm trying to reform and i'm sinning to the point where I get out of the fold of Islam due to the whispers of Shaitaan and his mind warping ability. When I redo the Shahada, I start seeing things within my mind and start focusing on them due my psychosis and Shaitaan. Does my Shahada still become come valid. It's very difficult to have the meaning in my mind properly while I read it. What should I do?

Premarital relationships

Q: I am 28 years old. I am divorced. My blood relative is 25 years old. We are in love and want to get married. My parents agree and have no issue but his parents do not get agree as they say that the girl is divorced and elder otherwise they have no other issue. We really want to get married and unable to accept anyone else in this relationship. We both are mature and independent. Please tell me that what should we do. We are completely aware of the responsibilities of this marriage. Please help me in this matter.

Marital problems

Q: I have been married to a girl from Pakistan for five weeks. I was very happy until I found out that she does kala ilm. She has been caught red handed. I warned her not to do it again yet she is still doing it to make me under her control and leave my parents. Do I divorce her or accept she will continue this kaafir acts. Please help. I am suffering from depression since I found out.

Marital problems

Q: I recently did a nikaah with my first cousin from Pakistan. This was my fathers choice and happiness. Deep down I wanted to marry somebody from here who I was deeply interested in. I have never spoke to this person but I have seen her around people and she performs her Salaah on time. Please consider I have never spoken to this person but I wanted to marry her, from UK. Anyway I married my cousin in hope that she is a practising Muslim and she will follow Islam completely, and we will have an understanding based on this. But unfortunately it's the total opposite. She prays Alhamdulilah but other things such as hayaah around males, hijaab or even adab with me, I can't bare it. I still have feelings for this sister from UK and I want to re marry. I want to divorce my cousin. What do I do? I fear family fights, break ups. My mother has already passed away and my father is 67. What must I do? I know if I were to remain married with my cousin, it would be difficult because bringing up kids in western society and for her to get used to it is very hard. I know the sister from here will definitely understand this society. Please give some advice. Jazaak'Allah