
Marital problems

Q: My ten years of married life is in trouble. The reasons are very common; different views and opinions, no understanding and many more due to which I am losing interest in every thing. First I used to pray and I used to show interest in all things. Now I have no interest in anything not in life at all. Small things make me to go in depression. I can't share my feelings to any one. My husband is not a good friend and we don't have physical relationship since many years but we stay together. When asked about this he doesn't feel any feminine qualities in me but he says he loves me very much. He always expresses negative opinions about me which makes me more depressed about my life and demotivates me. I try to be happy and good but small things make me irritable and hyper. Sometimes I badly need physical love from my husband but can not approach him because we don't have that comfort level and when I see him busy in work I don't want to disturb him. I need only a friend but whenever I try to explain my view of point he will tell such things that makes me guilty and feel like a criminal but he never thinks I became like this because of his behaviour. I always pray to Allah to protect me from choosing the wrong path. I can't share my feelings to anyone. I want to be happy but my heart is dead. I have two sons day by day I'm becoming mentally sick. Whenever I see other couples, I almost cry. I do not get that basic love and understating. I never demand anything from him he gets me everything I want but never understands what I want to say. He looks at my opinion in a totally opposite way. Please suggest me what to do or any dua that makes my life peaceful.

Waswasas and doubts

Q: I feel stressed and depressed due doubts and waswasas. Please me help me in this situation. How can I get rid out of this? Its affects my physical and mental health. Please give me any duaa to recite.

Haraam relationship with a non-Muslim

Q: I have a non Muslim female friend. I want her to come to Islam and become a Muslim. For this I always make dua for her and show my best character (akhlaaq) to her. But when I talk about religion she tells me she doesn't believe in any religion but she believes in Almighty God that He is One. She is engaged in bad habits such as: cigarettes, wine, boy friend relationships, etc. When I told her to leave these things she got irritated and told me don't interfere in my life. I have my own life. What I want I will do. I don't care whether it is good or bad. Please tell me in this situation what should I do?

Observing purdah from na mahrams


1. My mahram doesn't wear a hijaab and when she comes to stay at our home, my male relative (she is also his mahram) brings her to and fro from her house to our house and back in his car. She has been advised to wear the hijaab, but she is a jaahil who does not practise Islaam, but a little. Is it haraam for my male relative to pick her up without hijaab and to drop her off home without hijaab? My gut feeling is it is, but I would like a ruling. Does he share in her sin?

2. My mahram relatives would like me to visit more, but the problem is, in their house are women non-Mahram to me, who don't strictly follow Islaam, they free mix and don't observe purdah from me and I worry they would try to greet me physically, hug, kiss etc. So if I have fear and feel that I am weak and not confident that I can avoid this haraam then I should not attend, correct?

3. Does this count as 'severing relations'? Of course, if my mahrams comes here, I am not rude to them etc. We're fine. Is there anything such as 'severing relations' when it comes to non-mahrams like cousins etc?

Bad thoughts

Q: I am a 26 year old Muslim boy. My engagement finished last two weeks. Some times I feel comfortable with the girl but sometimes I don't feel comfortable with her. I want to love that girl very much. I want to avoid bad thought of not loving her. Is there any solution to avoid these bad thoughts?

Family problems

Q: My question is about my father. He is totally on a wrong path. I mean few years back he was a very nice man. He had a fear of Allah and Masha Allah he saw the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) two times in his dream (ziyarat). He always used to pray juma prayer, and tazbihaat, and Quran. But now since the last two years he doesn't even go for Eid prayer. All the time he is busy in watching television and his language has become extremely abusive. No roza, no namaaz, nothing. He knows everything but does not want to do anything. Now when my mom or me are praying in front of him, he doesn't even decrease the volume of the TV. He is totally lost and he doesn't love my mother at all. Please tell me some dua by which he can become a namazi and a loving and caring husband. Actually he had an affair with one of my aunts. A very close relative of mine, my Mumani that is my mothers real brothers wife and my mom came to know about the affair after 14 years. Then when she came to know about the affair, my father apologised to my mom and broke whatever relation he had with that woman. But now he has left that, but when he is at home he doesn't care about anyone. It looks as if he is always in tension. Lost in his own world watchng TV with very high volume, or using a laptop for long hours. He doesn't talk much to his children or wife. My parents are married for 30 years. Please give some solutions. Me and mother are extremely worried about him.

Marital problems

Q: What should I do if I am not physically satisfied with my wife? Its been more than two years of our marriage and we have a 7 months baby boy, my wife has too much fat and I had told her so may times that I am not physically satisfied with her due to her heavy body and even she never shows her own interest in making physical relations, sometimes if I get angry with her then she gets upset and asks that is this everything?, and I remain unanswered, always its me who initiates. Since more than one year we didn't have sex, and its very tough for me to control. I had tried too much to make herself according my desires but she is unable to do so. One thing more I want to tell you that it was love marriage and I liked her since 12 years and then we got married after our parents' approval. So please suggest me what should I do so that I can live my life without any depression and frustration. I offer five times prayers and tahajjud too. I believe that Allah must show me the right path through your answer.