
Living in the same room with a Hindu

Q: My cousin is living with a Hindu girl in the same room. The room is adorned with idols and pictures. She keeps the Quraan Sharif on the same rack where idols and pictures are kept. To perform namaz she has to face that rack where idols and pictures are placed so she places a curtain in between. Is she wrong in anything and what else should she do?



1. I am a boy and sometimes I feel so excited that I start lo​oking at girls pictures and eventually I end up looking at some obscene picturess. Even if I don't want to, then vulgar thoughts run in my mind and they make me go crazy. So then I masterbate but if I don't masterbate then it gets very tough and I end up watching bad pictures. So please tell me what to do because every time I ask for Allah's forgiveness then for some weeks I don't but again I do it. But please don't tell me to get married as I am 17 and a student so it's impossible to get married.

2. When I do ghusl after masturbating, it takes me 40 or 50 minutes to finish it. My mom told me that every hair of your body must be wet so when I am washing my back, negative thoughts pop up in my mind and then when I am washing my nose these thoughts make me waste a lot of water. And if I ignore these thoughts, I feel like I didn't do ghusl correctly. And I just wash the part of my body three times which are supposed to be washed and then I recite this dua:

"أشهد أن لا إ له إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، و أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله"

So is this correct? 

Husband taking a second wife

Q: My husband and I are both reverts. I have no mahram to protect my rights. I found out on Tuesday that my husband has a new wife. It was secret for a few weeks (he claims he can't remember how long he is married. I estimate 2 weeks to a month) that was Tuesday, and on Thursday he left for a planned 40 day jamaat. As you can imagine, now is the time I need his assurances more than anytime. I am trying to be obedient and accept his new wife. I am really trying hard. But, he let slip that he bought her salaah tops, scarves and tasbeeh. In our whole 5 year marriage, he has never, ever given me a single gift. And he said that his gifts to her don't include me as it to help her live her live as a Muslim. Is that true? My husband, has told me many lies over the last few weeks, and I asked him multiple times. Does he have a new wife. He repeatedly denied it. He also lied about his repeated 3 days that he had recently. How do I forgive him, and start trusting again? My last, important question. How do I find my Allah again? When I try to pray or make my zikrs or even just speak to my Allah. I feel like there is a door in front of me that I can't penetrate. I can't sleep or eat. I am fasting so I can try to be closer to Allah. I am making my salaahs on time. Sir, I love my husband and I want to make it work, and I want to regain my relationship with Allah. I also have to accept her. If I die, she raises my children. And he is threatening to take my children, he is threatening to leave me and take them. If I don't comply completely with everything he wants. What can I do?

Being fond of a non-Muslim girl

Q: I have a problem with depression. This is related to a girl I like and I feel that she is a test from Allah. But the issue is I cannot get her off my mind. I am a religious person but still with the recitation of Qur'an this ill feeling is still sticking and it's very hard to focus on anything else. She is not a Muslim which is the other issue. Please brother tell me what I can do about this situation? She is working with me which compounds the issue.

Haraam relationship

Q: My question is not straight forward but I'll try to make it as concise as possible. I am 18 years old and when I joined college 2 years ago I got to know this person. We started to like each other, he is very God-fearing so he asked me to marry him and make it a halaal relationship for us to be in. So I spoke to my mother and she said she would do something about it and here I am 2 years later hoping for her to still do something. As I am Pakistani love marriages are rare in our culture so my mother did not tell anyone that it is a love proposal. She told her parents and my father that we received a proposal from his foster parents. And because this is the the first proposal they have received they are taking it really lightly and I am not able to do anything other than talk to my mother and ask her to do something but I have tried so hard to convince her she isn't doing anything about it. The person I want to marry is very pious and kind alhamdulilah and his family are as well. I don't know what to do I do not want to be in a haram relationship of any sort because I have only just started to realise the meaning of life and he is the reason I am a better person today. How do I convince my mother, what shall I say to her?