
Changing one's job for a better salary

Q: I am from Bhopal - India. I am working in a US based IT company. I am a married person with one daughter and living happily with my parents in my own house. My question is basically related to my career. I totally believe that whatever is written in destiny by Allah, it will happen and no one can change it. I am offering Salaah on time. My company allows me to go to the Musjid for Salaah and the salary is also not bad. But my friends and relatives are continuously asking me that you are losing your career and opportunities by living in a small city. You should go to Metro cities and should work for big companies. There you will have a good salary, will get a chance to go abroad and many things I will get there. I am really very confused now. If I follow Islam then I should have to stay with my parents and family even if I'm not earning well. If I go with my career, then I will have to leave my parents, family relatives and many things. Kindly suggest to me what Islam says in terms of choosing career options? Should I leave my family and earn money or should I try getting things in the same city where I am living.

Pre-marital contact

Q: I got engaged on the 3rd of August and joined university on the 4th August. I fell and fractured my leg in university itself on the 5th of August. Since then im not able to attend university. There is always something bad happening since then. My fiance and I, we never argue, but since our engagement we argue on every single matter and even when there is nothing to fight or argue about. I am feeling something is not right between us when everything is fine. I don't feel like talking to him much. And since I fell, I am having bad dreams each night and I am feeling and having an intuition that something is wrong and bad is going to happen. I read 7 darood 7 fateha 7 ayat ul qursi 7  four quls 7 darood and kalma before I sleep and still I am having these bad dreams. I am not being to perform namaz even on bed because I had my haidh but I am reading duas i know. I also feel presence of somebody when I am alone, even in namaz i feel somebody behind me and I feel very scared in my house. All this is happening just after the engagement. I dream about snakes on me, people and dogs running after me, haunted houses next to my house and people asking me to stay alert etc. Please help.

Marital problems

Q: If I am married for 11 years and my husband never really had a steady job he hardly buys me and our kids clothes. When he does get a job now and then he only buys food, once a while gives me a few Rands to buy me something. Is it permissible to divorce him?

Not being happy to get married in a certain family

Q: I am in such a dilema, I am engaged and before this I did istikhara and got nothing, so I went with what my heart said. I told someone else trusted to do it and they got nothing too. Now that I am engaged my feelings have changed and I don't want to marry this person. Also the way his family live are a joint family which is not allowed in Islam. He is not independent and have asked if we can love alone after getting married and because he is the only son he said after a few years which will only be sleeping separately, the reason being why I want to live alone is not because of his family the main reason is because of his father and grandmother before getting engaged they accepted that i wear english clothes however I will have to adjust with the family who all wear indian clothes, and now they are both saying that I have no choice after getting engaged to wear Indian clothing. My fiance does not mind what I wear as long as it is decent clothing and the body is not exposed however the family are not compromising, i keep thinking as i am going to be living with his family his dad may say to me you are living in my house and have to do what I say. My fiance does support me but only to a certain limit and he has told me that later he will tell me to wear indian because of his family which is unfair. I don't know what to do but at the same time I don't want to think too much or rush into things.

Explaining to a non-Muslim about the prohibition of alcohol in Islam

Q: I have come into contact with a guy at work, who had already researched a lot about Islam via the internet. So I've explained to him that to be a Muslim he requires belief in Tawhid (Monotheism) and Risaalat (the prophethood of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). I took him to the Musjid to see how we offer Salaah etc. He says he believes in Monotheism, but now he's got one question. Why could Islam unconditionally stop/forbid Alcohol, while it only regulated Slavery, and did not forbid it? I couldn't answer him, I replied by saying that it was eventually forbidden, and it was over a period of time, so that the people will willingly accept and obey, he was however not satisfied with my answer. Is there anything wrong in what I said? and please provide an answer.

Illicit relationships

Q: I have caught my father researching escort agency's twice and I am not sure how to handle it. The first time I did tell my mother and he denied going to any, yesterday my mother and I were gone visiting and on our return the front door was locked. When questioned he said he was sleeping. Later the Internet history revealed he was on those sights. Moulana please advise how do I deal with the situation without embarrassing my father or hurting my mother? I was in denial before and though he was only viewing pictures however I don't think that is the situation. Also my father is pious and I am so shocked.