
Looking after one's family


1. My husband has a married sister, she has two children and her husband does not have a regular job. He is not educated enough to get good jobs. He is a make up artist, so jobs are here and there. He does not want to do any other job apart from that. They have their own 2 bed property, their own new car, and they have some debts. So my husband's sister complains that she does not have enough all the time. My husband has 4 dependents already excluding me. Can you please tell me if my husband has to look now also after his married sister as well, who's dependent is she normally and is there any sin on my husband if he cannot help her?

2 His brother is in hospital for more that 20 days now in India in intense care unit, his expense in 20 are £1000,- who has to pay that? His brother never worked properly in his life was always away from home doing things a normal person will not do, but he has father's property. Does he get any part of the money even though he was never normal, never supports his family in any case apart from doing trouble. If he is entitled to the money can we remove the money for sickness and hospital and medication expenses from it. Please help me. I am worried for my husband and his health. He feel all the time guilty and thinks that he has to do everything. Please kindly help me and my husband to follow the right thing.

Fairy tales and superstitions

Q: I am 15 years old and I have often contacted kala jadoo baba by e-mail and I gave them all the information they wanted (because I have no friends in my school). But I want that Allah Ta'ala forgives me and I will never try something like that. Please tell me a dua or something else. I have so much fear.

Taking a second wife

Q: I want to find out, a friend of mine wants to take a second wife. He has kids from his 1st wife. He doesn't love her and they hardly communicate. He is staying with her because of the children. Reason for wanting a second wife is because he wanted the happiness and all of the duties a wife should see to. Should he leave the 1st wife?

Finding a suitable spouse

Q: I wanted to ask this question because I need some advice. I like this pious muslimah, she is in fear of Allah and a good woman and we are both interested in each other. My dad however doesn't not approve of this what so ever and I have talked to him numerous times. He always puts himself before myself in marriage, saying things like. "If I do not know her parents, you can't haver her". And you do not know anything about relationships. I am really hurt because I like this girl we are from the same religion and he is so stuck on traditions chooses it over what the religion teaches. I have tried talking to him over and over but he doesn't listen to what I have to say and makes the same point. What do I do?

Obeying Allah Ta'ala before one's parents

Q: My sister was given 3 talaqs and after her iddat she made nikaah with her ex and are living together as a family. My mum and some family members accept them and mum does not talk to us or want us. She is staying with sister whose ex husband sat for itikaaf so mum goes to them whenever they need her. We cannot visit or call our mum. She has a lot of anger for us but she is happy with other family members who go against shariah. Please advise us on this.

The obligation of supporting the wife

Q: Please could you advise me regarding this matter, in accordance to shariah and hikmah. There is a woman who is 33 years old, she has been divorced twice. The first marriage was arranged by parents within the family, the second time was by choice to a shaikh. Both these marriages broke due to not practising where the spouses were thought to be religious but were not praying. Now she has had a proposal by a mufti, he is married with four children, she does not have any children. She is inclined to marry him and to save herself from the fitna of nowadays, as well as being in the peak of youth. He has proposed and her father has said he'll think about it, he came again in Ramadan and the father and brother refused to speak to him and correspond. The mufti is suggesting they get married via phone/Skype and in two months gradually get the family around as he cannot support her financially and so they could speak without constriction. What shall she do?

Marital problems

Q: I require advise on the following:- I am married, living and working in town A, my mother -in- law is living in town B. My father-in-law recently passed away and prior to his demise, my husband had moved in with his parents in town B, to look after his father. My husband has continued living with my mother-in-law, for the duration of her idaat, he has thus been away from home for almost a year. I cannot move to town B where my mother-in-law is, as I am working and would take me at least two hours to commute to work. I cannot give up my job as I have dependants' to support. My mother-in-law refuses to move to my town (A), my husband thus has to stay with her. The situation is becoming untenable. My husband keeps on insisting that his first priority is his mother, I understand that, but would that entail excluding the rights of a wife? Under the aforesaid circumstances what rights do I have?

Getting married to an acquaintance from school

Q: I plan on making nikaah next weekend and need to know if its allowed. This man and I have known each other since school but I married another. That marriage didn't work and I've been divorced for 5 years. I have twin sons (13 years). My school friend and I have now reunited and plan on making nikaah. He has daughters in their teens who live with him.

1. Is nikah allowed?

2. Can our children live together?

3. We heard a man is not allowed to marry a girl from his past. Is this true? We had no relation back than. We were just teens.

Haraam relationship

Q: I want to discus my friend’s problem. She loved a guy truly. She even on his demand exchanged body pictures. Now her boyfriend wants her to leave him. She came to know his reality that he was just using her. After that she repented a lot about exchanging pictures. She cries every night and asks Allah for forgives. That boy is now telling her that he didn't see any pictures and she may move on and select a better guy for marriage but in real he saw every picture. Now according to Islam should she leave that boy or repent whole life and don't marry anyone else or should she ask that boy to marry her? She is very worried. She even thinks about suicide. Please help. What is the solution now?