
Marital Problems

Q: I am married and pregnant. I loved my husband so much and I am his second wife but his first wife is a problem to me because she is sending me messages all the time, but she is a Haafidha. But all that she says doesn't look like she has the holy Quran in her head and because of this I am tired of this man and I feel like separating from him. What should I do?

Marital problems

Q: I'm married for 5 years and have no kids. My husband is a relative. My husband was having affair with his cousin before and after my marriage and he committed zina with her and taken photos of it. My in laws never supported me and started torturing me for dowry. I got separated in 2010 December because of his zina. Since then i'm living with my parents. In between my elders bought us back together many times in these 4 years but he did not change. his mother and his aunt control him. and his family is ruining my name in families. All the time they get away easily even though they are at mistake. In December 2013 my husband visited my house many times but only to lie and cheat me again. he told his mother and aunt don't want me to come so he did not take me with him. I called them for counselling many times they did not come. My case is in court now. My dad paid for my wedding by taking loan. My in laws made my dad pay for reception and also took lot of money prior marriage. I was working during separation as my husband never supported financially. But from two years i'm not working. But my husband has hired a lady lawyer and is not willing to give back our money spent in wedding nor paying maintenance. Even in court i'm failing. What ever i do i always fail in life. I want my in laws to do out of court settlement and return our money as my father is under heavy debt. His family is very heartless. I'm 30 years now. I want talaq from him so that they give me back our money and gifts given to me by my parents in wedding. I'm really worried every single second of losing this case as my in laws are criminal mind and very cunning specially my husband. They are trying to prove that i deserted him and i have ruined his life and tortured him. his lawyer is arguing in court not to give maintenance to me. Please give me a wazifa so that my husband divorces me and pay me maintenance in out of court settlement and this court case gets closed. I come from poor family. I'm the only daughter of my parents. There is no peace in our lives. All in my khandaan know my in laws are at fault but still i'm suffering.

Being involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I am a 19-year-old and am currently studying in a polytechnic. Recently I have had serious issues with my parents when they found out about my relationship with my boyfriend. I have been together with him for almost a year, although I am aware these kind of relationships are haram in Islam. I did not tell my parents about us from the beginning as I know they too would not approve of it. While with my boyfriend though, I wanted badly to turn our relationship into a halal one, since he had already agreed to make me his wife once he has the financial capacity. This however meant that we would need to wait at least 3 years before he has a stable job, since he is still studying in a polytechnic now as well. After being found out by my parents regarding our relationship, I stumbled upon a post on Twitter a few days later which talked about Nikah Khitbah. I do not know if it was God's way of showing me the solution to my problems, but it sure gave me a slight sense of relief, knowing that there is still a chance for me to be with my boyfriend the halal way, without having to worry too much about finances. However, I am scared of suggesting this to my parents, since they are still not happy with what they had found out. I love my boyfriend and I want to be able to spend my life with him in a way that is granted by God. But how do I approach my parents and convince them that Nikah Khitbah is what I would like to do, without potentially getting them angry again?

Having an illicit relationship

Q: I spoke to a guy vulgarly about sex which is not permissible in Islam but I realised my mistake and asked forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. Will Allah forgive me for my previous sin? Now I am going to get married with the blessings of Allah. Please suggest what to do for maghfirat.

Getting involved with a married woman

Q: I am involved with one woman. She is the mother of 3 kids and she got a husband as well. I am trying to get rid off her but I can't control myself. We are working in the same place. It is not that I love her but if I don't talk to her, I feel strange. I feel very disturbed. She always ignores me. She always hurts me. She never values my feelings. She sleep with her husband as well I know. But she never admits it. I want to go away from her. But
I can't change my job. She works there. She treats me as a slave. Whenever she feels, she talk otherwise no. I just want not to even think about her. Please tell me something.

Marital problems

Q: I am my husbands second wife. We married 9/10 years ago without anyones knowledge i.e my family. He promised and swore he would ask for my hand in marriage after his visa issues were resolved. Alhamdulillah last year July he got his visa issues resolved after nearly 12 years, he went back home to see first wife, I accepted all this but now its time for him to accept me with my families knowledge and he won't. His sister and brother in law have also tried talking to him telling him he is oppressing me and doing injustice with me as he has kept me waiting 11 years. Please could you give me some Dua I can make for my husband to treat me right and also accept me properly Islamically. We live 5 hours away. Whenever I have met him and spoke to him on his face he has reassured me and then when I leave he cuts everyone out, no one is sure why he is doing this. He has told me and his sister he loves me. Is this shaitan stopping him doing the right thing? He is not active in prayers but does pray Jumma. Please advise what I can pray or which dua I can make for my husband?