
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Q: I am in need of some advice as I face a serious problem. I believe I have something called ADHD/ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/ Attention Deficit Disorder). This results in me procrastinating to a very large extent and it leads to depression. I can barely get down to work and when I finally do I can not keep my concentration sustained at it. I constantly feel sleepy yet when it is the right time to sleep I take hours
obtaining sleep which results in me falling asleep at around 4 am or later (nowadays I just resort to staying up later and reading tahajjud and fajr.
This does have really bad consequences as I am a student at university. But I try really hard to resolve this but I feel as though I no longer have a will. Please advise me, this problem I have suffered for many years and now that I am alone in university it has only intensified. I make duaa that Allah helps me find a solution through this means insha'allah.

Taking things in one's stride

Q: I am 24 years old preparing for civil services. Since two years I am suffering from anxiety and panic attack. I consulted a psychologist and done all things but I have not benefited from that. I also consulted a Moulana but could not get desirable results. I am always worried and can't do my studies properly.

Unable to make ends meet

Q: I am an adult male (45) married with four kids at home. I am employed as a casual earning R750 per week, barely able to make ends meet and I can't even cover my rental which is 4500pm. My question is my family refuse to assist even with zakaat. What am I todo?

Marital problems

Q: I am married and have children. Throughout my marriage, I had a lot of problems, but I stayed in the marriage because of my children. The problems were mainly related to my husband going out with friends and returning home late at night and not showing us any attention. Also, he spends a lot of his time watching porn and speaks freely to women. What should I do? I only cry and feel helpless. I want to leave. What does Mufti Saheb advise me to do?

Fear of falling into sin

Q: I am a 22 years old girl. Nowadays I don't know why I am so distracted. I have bad intentions which I don't want myself to indulge in. I have fear of Allah. I don't want to commit any sin. I really need a husband because shaitaan is continuously distracting me. I have many facilities to distract me but I don't want to get involved in gunnah. I don't want to have a boyfriend and fulfill my desires. I pray to get married 5 times after each namaz every single day. Please give me some wazifa to get married soon as the environment and the present days are spoiling every girl and boy.

Being concerned about one's children’s progress in the Hifz class

Q: I am a concerned parents whose twin boys are doing hifz. The moulana is quite strict on them and thats not a problem for me but both of them are so scared if he has to ask them anything they both just stare at him and keep quiet. The Moulana is particular about tajweed and their grounding for tajweed is not good. So for that we are also at fault. They had been going to another ustaad for 3 years and had not done their hifz well. They were playing. So we decided to take them out and this year march they started by a new Moulana. My main concern is that the Moulana sent me a message saying that my boys have been with him for three months and they have shown very little progress. They are quite dedicated because they are up from 4.30 and go to Madressa at 6 and return home at 5.30. They have a break and they are back learning at 7. Please help me to overcome this fear.

Talking to a girl on Facebook

Q: I wanted to know if there's anyway to keeping a relationship halaal. I know that seeing a girl is haraam, touching is haraam. But, what if I talk to a girl on Facebook? Just a simple chat to know her very well! I will not see her, no phone contact too. I'm a student and until I get settled and get married with her, I would like to talk to her on Facebook just for a few minutes. I ain't making any zina, right? When I start earning, I will talk to her parents. My parents do allow for love marriage but in a halaal way. I don't believe in arranged marriages. I don't trust girls of today's generation! I want to go with the halaal way. Please guide me with correct answers.