
Being scared to get married

Q: I'm currently 27 years old, not married and I'm teaching in a Muslim School and have a few modules left to complete my degree in education. Recently I'm going through a difficult time. I have lost my enthusiasm for life. I would relate some activities of my life, that has led to my current situation. One of my weaknesses is that I'm very scared to take big steps in my life and live in doubt. Nevertheless, in 2012 I was fixed to a girl and I broke the engagement due to fears that I won't manage. In 2013 I went to see girls and I was happy with all the girls , but was too afraid to propose. The one girl I did propose , but I  procrastinated with my answer and when I did propose no answer came. Thereafter due to my weakness and caught up with the social networks, I got involved with a woman who told me she is divorced, we got physical, but didn't do the act. Later I came to find out that she is still in her relationship, so I left her. الله forgive me. This haraam relationship I got myself involved, made me realise that I'm weak sexually, because I came early in my pants 3 times. I realised that I had this very bad habit which I have given up, that of masturbation which has led to this problem. I have lost my self confidence and very scared to get married.

Loosing one's motivation to do good

Q: For about a year now, my wife and I are having problems with regards to our Islamic Lifestyle. Alhamdulillaah, previously, we were very punctual and even performed our Qadhaa if we missed Salaah. We were more conscious Deeni wise and tried our best to stay away from evil. Last year March, my wife had a miscarriage and since then things have just been going downhill. Our Salaahs get missed as if it is nothing. We have both discussed this issue and we both feel regret and remorse for missing our Salaahs but both of us have experienced that something inside is making us feel this way and stopping us from performing our Islamic duties. Everything in our life has also been going downhill in terms of life situations. People have been making problems and saying certain untrue bad things about my Mother. My Father cannot find a job. With regards to Salaah, both my wife and I feel this, that even when we do try to pray Salaah with full and proper concentration, there is no feeling of Salaah. What we used to feel before, love, contentment and happiness with Allaah Taalaa have disappeared. I hardly pray Salaah with Jamaat in the Masjid and most of the time I don't even pray Salaah at all except Jummuah and that too I feel like running out of the Masjid as quickly as possible. Respected Mufti/Sheikh, I beg of you to please help us as this is really getting out of hand. Every time my wife and I discuss this issue we say that we will change tomorrow but it never happens. We have tried to improve but it just never happens. Something feels like it is blocking us from happiness. We live with my Mum and Dad and they too hardly ever pray Salaah and they too have the same feeling of blockage. We hardly ever pray Quraan where we used  to read quite a lot before. Previously, we hardly used to watch TV but now it has become a norm. Our Sexual life has also taken a downward turn as we both cannot and do not feel what we used to feel before. We cannot fall pregnant since the miscarriage. My Mum and I will fight and shout at each other for silly stupid things. My Mum is having a problem with one of her cousins whom she owes money too. We are going to pay him and we have the money. But he keeps on making her life a misery and this too causes friction in the family as this is what my Mum talks about all the time. My Dad suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder but sometimes he will cause silly and stupid fights in the family and say really silly and inappropriate things. We also eat a lot more than before. As a family we are always hungry and looking for things to eat. Our money comes in for the month and the next thing we know it is gone. We are always having money problems. Everything just seems to be spiralling out of control. Our lives are such a mess. I do not know what to do. What could the problem be? I am so confused? I didn't want to believe that this could be Sihr or Jadoo or Jinns but could this be? Should I go to see someone who can take these evil things out of us? Please make me Maaf Respected Mufti/Sheikh for this long email and for bothering you, I am really really sorry. I just want to improve myself and my family and need your
valuable advice to guide me?

Looking after one's father

Q: I have a problem kindly guide me. Our one home is at a certain village where my father and mother lived before the death of my mother. Now after the death of mother, my father lived there alone for few days. I am too worried about him and feel that I am very sinful because my father lives there alone. I asked him not to live there but he does not want to listen. I am working in Gujraat as a lecturer in physics at govt. zamindar college gujrat, so most of the time I will not be able to go there with him there. I feel very guilty and my father does not realise this. He loves to live there alone. I told him that I will get transferred there but he said no you do your job at gujrat. I feel that I am committing a sin and remain worried about him. Most of the time I feel that I am not doing his khidmat properly.  I asked my father many times to sell the house of Sheikhpura and live with me at gujrat but he does not like it. I am in very critical situation, I always feel my self guilty due to this, kindly guide me what I should do?

Being embarrassed due to wet dreams

Q: I am a 17 year old boy and study in grade 9 almost 10. My problem is that I used to masturbate and before I came to know about semen and masturbation I used to watch porn but now I quit watching porn and am very happy with my decision, but 8 months ago I explored this masturbation. But after searching for it on the net I found that it is haraam in Islam so I just quit it. So please tell me how shall I avoid this because sometimes I used to get very hot and do it because I didn't want wet dreams because its embarrassing. We live in a small apartment and I feel hesitant to tell my parents about wet dreams. So I want to ask if I stop will I have wet dreams and to avoid it?


Q: I am 21year old female. Please tell me if doing self pleasure is haraam in islam? If so then what are the physical effects of this habit? How can a female leave this habit?


Q: How does one view the issue of polygamy in the 21st century. What are certain advises given to someone who wishes to marry a second wife in these days without the support of the 1st wife and mother of the husband?

Revealing the sins one has committed to one's spouse

Q: If a person has a committed a sin in the past and has made tawbah for that particular sin how does he not feel guilty about not telling his future spouse, as it is obviously forbidden to reveal your sins. So if the sin was done in the past (and it is not a sin that would affect the marriage or the spouse) how does a person not feel guilty about telling his future spouse? Why should you not feel guilty about not telling your future spouse about it?