
Working with women co-workers

Q: I work with Muslim females in a Muslim company. Some females wear niqaab. Is it correct for females my age and/or younger to make salaam to me and ask me how I am? Will I be sinning if I do not reply to their salaam and do not initiate salaam to them. Will I be correct Islamically, to just say what I have to, to them (like issuing instructions relating to work) and not greet them or engage in chit  chat. I generally look down and talk to them, but even the ladies with niqaab tend to stare me in the eyes, and when they see I am trying to not make eye contact, they stare even harder waiting for a reaction from me. When a woman wears niqaab and generally any muslim woman is she allowed to look at men in their eyes/faces?

Exposing a person's past to their future spouse

Q: I have a cousin who is supposed to get married to a boy who is pious, haaji and just the opposite of my cousin sister. She is not so pious and had a dark past. She committed zina with another guy, tried committing suicide, and now she is about to get married to this boy who knows nothing about the girls past except that she had someone in her life before. Should the marriage take place without hiding such things about the girl? And if I inform the boys family regarding this will I be committing a sin?

Lacking self-confidence

Q: I am an engineer by profession. I work very hard and Alhamdulillah seem to accomplish whatever I put my hand into. But above all, the problem I face is the continuous fear and lack of self-confidence before starting any task while at work. I even know that I would be able to accomplish it, but
don't know why, get constantly reminded by the sub-conscious that I won't be able to make it. Due to that, I constantly face a feeling of reluctance
before starting any challenging task. I am capable enough but don't know why this fear of starting any task has been developed in me ever since I
graduated and stepped into professional life (approximately 1.5 years).

Husband not prepared to issue a divorce

Q: My husband is an alcoholic and separated from the past four years. He is not willing to give Talaaq nor accept Khula. We approached many ulema, still no results. He doesn't come for a discussion when masjid committees call him, doesn't respond to the masjid. I need advice and guidance in such case where husband is not willing to release even if I am ready to give back mahar. He just harasses and give troubles. He is an alcohol addict. He will be missing from the house for months together, some one has to find him and admit him in a de-addiction center. Again after a month again he goes missing, even now he is missing. I can produce the medical certificate regarding his hospitalization at alcoholic de-addiction centers. If I approach through court and lawyer, it is a burden I can't bear. I have a 5 year old son too. Need guidance in such a case to get out from this marriage.

Whose reponsibilty it is to look after the mother

Q: What are the rulings according to shariah of a son looking after his mother after his father passes away. In this situation there is 2 sons an 1
daughter but only 1 son is married with 2 kids an the daughter with 3. Bear in mind the father didn't leave anything for the children only for the mother. So how does one look after wife an dchildren + mother an siblings?

Marital problems

Q: I have a marriage problem. My husband don't want to sleep with me. We always have a big fight in the house. I checked with people and they say that our marriage has witchcraft. This is my second marriage and our marriage was going well till recently. Even with my job as soon as I got the job it finished by itself in a couple of months.