
Being casual with one's female students

Q: I am a working as a teacher from the past 7 Years. I had a student who be my student for 4 years. She wears proper Hijab/ abaya in my presence. In the third year she called me Baba (Father) and from then we became father and daughter.

Now my question for you is that is it allowed in Islam to have any relation like this?

Secondly and most importantly she sometimes puts her head on my shoulder and I, many times give bosa (kiss) to her head only. Till now the intentions are pure but is it allowed in Islam? or just to have relation is allowed or bosa (kiss) or other acts like this are not allowed.

Concern to change one's life


1. I used to make sincere tawba but now a days I cannot make tawba because I do it repeatedly.. Such as I touch Ayah during hayez unintentionally but there is no other choice as I read islamic books and ayah is always there even in siratun nabi.. Should I stop reading books?

2. I want to have good akhlaq but I have bad temper and low self esteem.. How to have good akhlaq and a clean heart?

3. I want to give dawah but I don't get correct words or the confidence to give dawah..

4. I want to be with correct people ma shaa Allah I go to talim they are always in a spirit to help.. But I want to avoid backbiting there is no such place where there is no backbiting and negativity and I also try to read books but there is always contradiction.I started reading Naim Siddiqui's book on our Prophet but his thinking was kind of political. Should I read this kind of writer's books?

5. After listening to a lecture of Maulana Tariq Jamil I used to make dua in my mind before salam in namaz, sometimes I took more time than the tasbeeh is my salah valid?

6. Sometimes I feel Allah is not helping such as I said Bismillah wala barakatullah with belief that there will be baraqah but the rice got overcooked and my mother complained that it caused her stomach disease ,I wanted a blessed ramadan the first two days tarawih was invalid and I suffered so much waswasa I had to make wudu 10 11 times.. I started to wear full niqab the next very day something happen that never happened when I didn't put niqab.. I wanted to hide and go to another room in order to do parda but all the rice dal fall on the floor in front of everybody.. What is the explanation behind these.. I am trying to please Allah!

7. When I am on my period how should I do aamal? Should I do the zikir which I use to do after every salah?

8. I want to be in a routine but I always fail to do so.. Please tell me what a good Muslim's routine should be..

Please make dua for me and my husband (may be he is trying to become a good muslim but his environment is not deeni) and my family..

Fear of marriage

Q: My question is that I lost my youth (jawani) and my parents are forcing me to marry, but I cant because of fear of ruining another persons life by marriage, so can I marry?

Doubts and stray thoughts


1. I am having lots lots of bad thought So bad i dnt feel like saying it. I get bad thought about Allah The Holy Quraan Islaam sometime Prophet. What to do. Sooo bad thought n i just try to move away the thought but i feel sometimes they r soo near to my mouth then i think have i said anything about Kufr.

2. As far as i think i try not to say it verbally but sometimes my head get fill with sooo much bad thought n it feels like i have said it. I get sooo bad thought about Allah Quraan What to do then i think if my nikaah is valid if am sleeping with my husband if its halaal.

3. I try my best to be a better Muslimah every day. Now i give saadqah like $1 Some times more now sometime say i want to buy something i have$20 n i havr Change n my mind say put saadqah n i dont put would i be sinful. Sometime i take out money to save n something say put it saadqah so if o dnt put im sinful n if i used to money for my stuff is i wrong? I do put money in Saadqah but sometimes when i pick up a bigger note my mind say put that in saadqah if i dnt put am i wrong?

4. I have these problem with getting thought as i say now something in mind say make this oath i dont want to make oath because i u break oath u have to give kaffarah. . Now in my heart n mind comes make this oath n i dnt say it verbally does it count? Sometimes the whole sentence for oath runs in heart n mind but i try not to say it does it count

5. Iif u think of oath does it count

6. If i make intention to give away clothes or items in charity can i changed my mind after n take back the stuff once o haven't given on charity?

7. In my mind comes il put this clothes for saadqah n then i change my mind can i take back.

8. If i want to give a gift to a friend i take out gift to give to her n then change mind for someone else is it permissible

9. If i want to give my friend cousion or family gift say jewellery clothes shoes n they where it would i be sinful if they were it n sometimes if nahmahram c them.

10. If i give perfume to someone n they wear it n men smell it would i be sinful

11. Somethings my mind say give this in saadqa charity n i dnt give n i used myself would i be wrong?

12. If i say this thing is haraam on me would it become haraam on me to used it.

13. I get thought in my mind to say that this is haraam on me. N i dnt say it but sometimes it seems so near in mouth then i think have i said it.

14. The other day something came in mind n tell me say ur husband is haraam for u forever i didn't say it but it came as the sentence in mind if i said it does my husband become haraam for me?

15. My mind tells me so much thing about oaths thoughts bad things sometime things u should not say about someone that it would mean slandering my mind plays alot of things.

16. How can i overcome all of these thought ? I dnt want to make oaths but they come i dnt want to say thing that are permissible haraam but the come what to do?

17. Another question in mind its not permissible to do vidoes n picture that what we know so we try to avoid. Now when we lookon youtube you c moulana Taariq Jameel bayaan on videos hes a very big ulama we respect him and u havr many other religious scholars some who are on vidoes n picture now what is the ruling now i dnt want to say something wrong im scared supposed is kufr?

They r ulamas n they r way higher in knowledge than me i respect them i am happy to hear their bayaans but a thought was bothering me about the video n picture now i tell my self i dnt no what their intention is they r spreading the knowledge of deen.

Now i was reading fatwas below

So when i read the hadith about the picture makers does that include videos When i listen to the ulama bayaans i get bad thought bout them which i dnt wany. May Allah grant us all Jannah They r pious respected Ulamas they have more knowledge than me. But when i c their videos i get these ad thought about them what to do. Copy n paste link.

Please help me please my mind have very bad thoughts Abdullah Ibn Masood (Radiyallaahu Anhu) narrates that the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “The people who will receive the worst punishment in the sight of Allah will be those who make pictures.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Aisha (Radiyallaahu Anha) narrates that once the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) entered (her house) while there was a curtain with pictures in the house. (Upon seeing it) his face changed and he removed the curtain. He then said, “The people who will receive the worst punishment on the day of judgement will be those who make these pictures.” (Bukhari)

Ibn Abbas (Radiyallaahu Anhu) narrates that he heard Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) saying, “Everyone who makes pictures will be in Hellfire. A creature will be created for every picture that he made. It (the creature) will then punish him in Hellfire.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

When i watch the videos on bayaan then these hadith play in my mind. I dont want to think bad bout the scholars that does video bayaan but these hadith comes n bad image about the scholars come Now Allah can forgive any one I Dnt no about myself cuz i myself trying to avoid pictures on phone as well trying to become a better muslim May Allah forgive me as well. Pleasr please help me Muslimah sister I worry about nikaah n if i said anything on kufr or shirk.

Thoughts of shirk

Q: Sorry for the disturbance it will be feel like am playing but please help me understand today one insident happened when I go through internet I get to know there is thing like if we do something that Allah doesn't like it's shirk so the thought that came to my mind is my friend who is a girl so I thought talking to her is shirk but I search in the internet in that they have told like it is minor shirk so I keep searching until I clear this doubt and then there were some post like it can be major shirk so to be frank I really don't want to do that if its major shirk but I want to make this doubt go dissapear so I kept searching at last I got to no there is no prob but now I feel like I was ready to talk even if it is major shirk but to be frank I don't no wat I thought ... it can be true that I might thought or not but am not sure but I was searching whole time to make That thing normal but now it feels like I commuted shirk and here after talking to her is shirk .... so I don't no wat is true what is right and wrong anymore unlike other issue this feel real because I was very clear than other incident that happened bcz of waswaas so now I can't say it's waswaas or me .. and definitely can't say like I was nt ready so what can I do ... I just want to be safe from shirk so is there is any way I can ask forgiveness and talk to hey normally or should I ask forgiveness nd stop talk to her ... u might be mad to hear this .... does this mean I committed shirk and if I talk to her again does that consider as shirk ?

Negative thoughts

Q: I am suffering from waswasa for a long time. In Islam every thing is about intention, but I am not sure about my intention. So is it a major sin if I have an intention to do a major sin if I had a chance to do? If a person thinks that he is ready to commit a major sin if he had chance to and then asked forgiveness but he didn't do it, is the same sin recorded by thinking about sinning or not?

Not being interested in anything

Q: I am suffering from mental condition day by day increase since one year it increases more. I use to bata again and again always use to every thing clean that's why I am not interesting anything and i don't what to touch my husband i feel angery so what should I do and I always qurel with my family.

Obeying one's parents

Q: My mother and other people of my family and village forced me to marry a girl who is not of my choice. I like some one else. I am confused what shall I do. The girl I liked is ready to marry me with my new forceful wife in my life.

1. I want to ask that shall I go ahead and marry the girl of my choice?

2. I dont like my present forceful wife. Shall I divorce her or keep her?

3. The girl I like says she is ready to marry me with this condition but she thinks she will do a crime by this as she has a feeling that my relation with my forceful wife will be affected. I dont like my forceful wife and I dont have any relation with her.  Is the girl I like is right?