
Husband cheating with sister-in-law

Q: If my husband and sister in law had a najaiz relationship when we were downstairs and he was sleeping. (Maybe) She came in the room and stayed for fifteen minutes when we were in England. What can I do so that she stays away from him and he doesn't look at her because she is making him with magic. What can I read that no one can came between us?

Marital problems

Q: I would like your advice, other than interpretation of dreams, regarding my first wife. It is understandable the shock she had about hearing about my second marriage, but at that point I did not deny it and I accepted it and told her the circumstances and reasons for taking this step. Now she is in constant denial and acceptance. For a while she relaxes and then starts again, suffering herself and making me suffer too. I would like to say that my second wife is in Indonesia. And I have told my first wife many times, that look at the big picture, I am here, with you alive and well, but she sometimes gets relieved, but after a short while, she starts again. It is affecting me very hugely, because I am in a high pressure job. First wife also had gynecological problems. I am taking her for medical help, but that will only work if she believes in herself . I need your advice.

Talcum powder

Q: Enchanteur Talcum powder having mention ingredients as talc, fragnance, benzyle, benzoate, butylphenyl Methylpropional, hexyl cinnamal. Is this powder permissible to use?

Thoughts of shirk

Q: Because of some thoughts that came to my mind, I thought talking to a friend is shirk so I planned to stop talking. For that I called that person and informed that person that I won't be talking to that person anymore and that is tha last time I was going to talk. We talked for while, when I was talking I felt like I was committing shirk by talking to that person then I thought that I will commit shirk this time and ask for forgiveness from Allah and stop talking to that person. After that incident I got to know that it was not shirk to talk to that person so they told me to talk to that person now am talking to that person but still am confused that if I was ready to commit shirk because of that person did that mean I comit shirk and I gave more priority to that person than Allah because in that time I thought to commit shirk one time and ask for forgiveness so after I think like that is it shirk to talk to that person now ??? Is there is any way to make it normal ... I asked forgiveness from Allah if I have committed any shirk and now am talking to that person as normal because that person is not more important than Allah but still .. is there is any shirk in talking to that person now ???? Or did I commit any shirk by thinking like that while talking that guy?

Exposing one's sins to people

Q: I have a friend who is in a situation, she is getting married in less than a month Insha Allah. She has made many changes in her life as growing up for her was on the jahiliya path with the wrong crowd and being involved in a lot of haraam things. Now she was in a haraam relationship and it was ended many years ago. She had met this guy who now she is engaged to and introduced the parents were now alhumdulilah are getting on and like I said nearly getting married. My friend committed a sin a few months ago and committed zina with her past relationship. She has repented sincerely and has promised herself not to ever let shaitaan win over temptations and commit haraam again. She now isn't sure if she should be honest with her husband to be or to not expose her sins what can she do?

Doubting one's children

Q: One of my friends has obssesive compulsive disorder. She always doubts things. Now she's doubting if her children are her own children or not because she saw on news that the hospital she delivered her children, they sometimes forget to put the mothers name tag on the child's hand so the child might go to the wrong mother. Thats why she is really worried. What should she do now? 

Jealous husband

Q: My husband keeps accusing me of looking at other men and not to cause him shame in the community. He doesn't like me going out and doesn't trust me even though I wear full jilbaab and niqaab. I also have some knowledge of the Deen. We've been married for 22 years and have 7 children. He has always been jealous but it got worse in the last 3 years. I'm not interested in other men and when I tell him he doesn't believe me.

Premarital relationship

Q: I have met a Christian friend over Facebook 3 years ago and we are now close friends, even best friends. I have tried to convince him to become a Muslim but no results. I am a girl and Muslim and my friend is a boy and Christian. Isn't this haram?