
Making istikhaara to study in a non-Muslim country

Q: I did istikhara to study in a non-Muslim country which came out good. I know that in a non-Muslim country people do anti-Islamic and blasphemous activities or support them. The University itself has a professor who supports blasphemy as freedom of expression. I will not be studying under him, but he is still in that University. I am afraid that due to this, my studying there were affect my love for Islam and the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and that I may be among the bad people in the hereafter. I feel that if I do not boycott this, then I will die as a kafir or I will be questioned that why I studied under and with such people who support blasphemy. My heart says that I believe that Islam, The Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the hereafter is important and therefore I must leave the education in that country. Please let me know what to do as the istikhara result was good and I do not know what to do.

Guests coming unexpected

Q: What to do when relatives (around 12 people or sometimes more than that) come to your home without invitation and it makes you so frustrated that you are unable to follow the Sunnah of hospitality, however you still take care of their comfort and food? What to do when their stay makes you extremely tired, restless and helpless. You can't sleep well. Your kids can't study and you can't go to your work place on time and also when all of these people come from another city to do their shopping and you have to take care of their children while they go to shop. Please tell me what to do. I don't want to behave badly with anyone. I don't want to make my Allah angry but their stay make me literally ill. It gives me migraine because they are extremely loud people and they keep talking late night till three. My father says it is in Deen. No matter what they do with us, we have to be nice otherwise we will get gunnaah. But I don't believe this, because in Islam there are equal rights for everyone. Allah can't let only one person suffer.

Trying one's best not to look at women

Q: Nowadays it is very common to see women in very revealing clothes in public, social media, websites etc. It's difficult for me to be looking away from so many places. Is it okay to let them be in my view if I don't induce sexual thoughts about them? Because I'm used to looking at them by now, but I still feel guilty because it is known to be sinful. Do I have to repent every time I see women wearing obscene outfits?

Family problems

Q: My mother is a widower since 18 years. She raised me her daughter and my brother on her own. I am married for seven years now Alhamdulillah. My brother is married for four years. He is involved in drug addiction. He has no child yet. My mum has money and good house but no happiness at all. Life is all scattered. She wants to ask what could be the reason for such situation?

Husband communicating with his ex-wife

Q: I am very stressed just wanted to know mufti. You the only person I know who can tell me what is right and what is wrong Islamicly. My husband is continuously communicating with his X wife and he hides what they discuss. When I ask, he says we are talking about the children and yet the last born of their kids is almost 25 years of age. So all four kids are big enough to come or call their father and talk to him themselves so why should he still talk to his X yet he told me I am not allowed to communicate with my X and ever since I do not talk to him but he says he needs to speak to his X. It hurts Mufti. I feel like I am nothing. What can I do?

Father in-law not behaving correctly

Q: I had a excellent relationship with my in laws until Monday night. My wife made a request to visit her Granny at her parents place before leaving back to Cape Town. I agreed. We arrived at my inlaws place. I greeted everybody as usual and sat down with my father inlaw and brother inlaw. Azaan called and we all left for Esha. When we returned from Esha I did not go in to the house, I sat outside on the portch. I could overhear father inlaw, my wife, and my brother inlaw discussing his technicon registration, so the discussion went on for and hour or so while I sat outside on my own relaxing. My wife and father inlaw step out of the house, and my wife said she is ready to go, but she and my father inlaw was still saying a few words to each other, while I sat on the couch not saying anything. My father inlaw all of a sudden began to swear at me and shout me, telling me to get out. When i questioned him in a polite manner as to why is behaving in this manner he began to aggressive and wanted to beat me up. I was shocked. I got up jumped in my car and drove off. I was in a state of shock,it was the second time he has done this to me, The first I overlooked it and walked away. The next morning he sends me a text apologising for this, I did not reply as I am very upset as I have always respected this man and treated him like my own father. My question is, my wife shows no remorse for her fathers actions, secondly I need to know that i have decided not to go to my inlaws home anymore as I feel threatened and uneasy, is the permissible, and I will only allow my wife to visit once a week, and not go any where with her parents without my consent. Please reply with advise also.

Burning bakhoor in the Musjid

Q: We recently started burning bukhoor in our new local masjid on Fridays before Jummuah. We leart that this is sunnat and was also done in Masjid-e-Nabawi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). However a few old uncles in the masjid say this is a bidah and India custom and has no basis in shariah and have actually thrown the contents out on some occasions leading to disputes. Please provide proof from the Ahaadith or sunnat as to what is the actual ruling regarding the burning of bukoor or mujammar.

Being involved in a haraam relationship with a Hindu boy

Q: I love a Hindu boy and I had taken an oath of Allah to him that i will never leave him. But I had read in some Islamic post that pre-marital love is haram and we can't marry a non-muslim. He had promised me that he will convert but that conversion will not be for allah's sake. I am in a big trouble. Please guide me for this and also for the oath.

How to feel positive

Q: I am pregnant. I Am happy Alhamdulillaah but also I feel very low at times. Maybe because of my rising hormones. My husband is really caring, still I expect more from him. Please suggest me how to feel better and positive. I do offer my prayers. I pray too but negativity is surrounding me. I was a very positive person. Please help.