
Informing the parents of a teenage girl who is involved in an affair

Q: I recently came to know that my cousin sister who is just 14-15 years is having an affair. What should I do now? Should I tell her parents about her? Wouldn't it be called as "chugli" ? I mean I have heard that Allah taala said that " tum zamin walo ki izzat or raaz ki hifazat karo, Asmaan wala tumhari izzat or raaz ki hifazat krega". I tried talking to her personally and she agreed to leave him but it was all fake, she is still in touch with him. Is there any dua to recite which can bring her on the right path? I don't want her to ruin her life and career, she is just a kid , I am really very upset. Please reply soon so that I can bring her out of such things.

Marital problems

Q: I hope you can somewhat help me with my problem even though it's all in Allah's hand. I've been married for 2 years Alhamdulilah. I love my husband and we connected because of Islam from the beginning. We are practicing our faith together but his parents and sister are putting so much fitnah. I'm 7 months pregnant Alhamdulilah. I've had problems beforehand with them because they are very controlling and blame me for their son changing. I explain to them we all have to change when we get married and even before In order to go to jannah. His father is an alcoholic and violent and his mother is a pathological liar. My husband is torn because he wants to make things right because in Islam we have to be forgiving. We live in a 2 family home and things have escalated with his father threatening to hit me because he wants his son to listen to them and only them. He watches haram on tv. Even though I don't see it, it's on the recently browsed on my tv. She has smoked cigarettes in the house knowing I have asthma and hasn't apologized. The list of things can go on and on. I want an apology. I've been stressed out so much and it's not healthy on me or my baby. It's easy for someone to forgive their own siblings and parents. This has also made more disputes arise between my husband and I. I love him and know they are his parents but I don't want to give in without an apology. It's killing me inside. I don't think he should forgive so easily without an apology and forget what his parents and sister have said and done to me especially being pregnant. I'm so stuck.

Parents not happy with one engaging in extra ibaadat

Q: I am a very hard worker and I have studied btech but I have one paper. That too will be cleared within two months. But my parents are in trouble and somewhat sad about me that I spend a lot of my time in ibaadat so can't Allah make everything easy that my parents will be happy because when I do prayers more, then I feel like I am blessed and everything goes good, but sometimes like in morning due to some home work, I feel from inside if somebody tells me anything and how should I make my parents happy.

Marital problems

Q: I have a question regarding divorce. Me and my wife have had a lot of problems. And we end up living separated. But I said once that I give her divorce. But we lived together after that. Then we got problems. I didn't have problems with her. But her family had a lot of problems with me. And I shifted from my wife. I live in Norway. And my wife applied separation in Norwegian law. But I didn't give her divorce. But her parents got some kind of fatwa from somebody in Pakistan that it's a valid divorce. My question is, is it a valid divorce? How is that possible? She wants to comeback as she told me two months ago.

Waswasas and doubts

Q: Please advise on any action to be taken or moreso specifically any Duaa to be read for protection against the evil whisperings of shaytaan which often occurs whilst reading Salaah or Quraan and as well as other acts of Ibaadaat. These evil thoughts are of a grave nature which is really bad but constantly comes to mind when reading Salaah and other Ibaadaat Salaah. As much as I try to ignore them, the more it occurs.

A) is Salaah valid if these thoughts cpme to mind whilst reading Salaah?

B) how should one avoid them? I also experience plenty of doubt so much so that sometimes I read the same Salaah couple of times.doubt is about if i read a Surah after Surah Fatiha, did I recite property, did i sit for Tashahud, did I miss a rakaat? I also experience lots of doubt whilst making wudhu?

C) how should these doubts be ignored?

D) with regards to Salaah, if i have doubts if I read a Surah after Surah Fatiha or if I read Tashahud, what should I do?

E) if I feel I read but in actual fact I never read at all, will my Salaah be valid?

F) with regards to Wudhu, if I doubt I broke Wudhu and I try to ignore the doubt, and feel that I did not break Wudhu, but in actual fact I did break wudhu and I read Salaah, Will my Salaah be valid?

G) If Salaah is read while evil Haraam thoughts cross the mind, Is the Salaah valid? Before I used to read Quraan and Salaah with ease, nowadays I feel it difficult due to the above, please advise on any course of action to take to remove them.

Experiencing difficulty in finding a suitable spouse

Q: I am looking to get married. But in today's society it seems impossible to find a girl who isn't involved in social media and shameless behaviour and dress code. How can one go about finding a good pious girl that will be a good match? I've been making istikhara for many months for the same girls. How does one tell what the istikhara indicates towards?

Asking the husband for divorce due to his behaviour

Q: I was a widow with three boys remarried due to financial problems. This man feeds well but he lies like anything. Hundred times he committed that he'll not lie and I am very much opposite to him. He won't give me anything in my hand and the rest of my money is also with him. He lies saying he took a property, but when I ask him to return my money he dodges. I am sick of his lies. He is a businessman. He loves food and spends a lot of money on hotels, parties charity but with me he won't make me feel secure. Please advise.

Husband involved in a haraam relationship

Q: My question to you is what can I do to help myself? My husband is having an extramarital affair. He doesn't choose to stop. I've asked him many times. The girl is also married waiting on a divorce. Her family knows but nobody wishes to do anything. My husband wants me to overlook it. He behaves nicely with me and says I shouldn't worry what he does outside the home. I don't find this to be right. I've waited a whole year, and am patiently praying for his hidayat. I feel like I've lost this battle. What should I do?

Cursing one's sister

Q: My sister has been giving me and my mother a real though time and I can't stand her anymore. Nor do I have any love or care for her. Her deeds are such that I often curse her. Is it incorrect that I am cursing someone? After doing my wudu, I had cursed her badly in my heart and performed my prayer is my prayer valid and does cursing invalidates the wudu?