
Daughter in-law problems

Q: My son got married two years back,which I was against but however he did not listen and proceded with the nikah. She is a girl that does not want to mix with the family, preventing my son from mixing with family and breaking family ties. She is troublesome and brings on petty issues that has no concrete reasoning just to bring on a fight. Her parents are very controlling in my son's marriage. Please can you give me a dua that she leaves our family to prevent further future problems and they separate.

Evil deeds - The cause for difficulties and hardships

Q: I need some advice targheeb so I can post on one of our community groups regarding the crime. The community are suggesting so many methods to prevent crime but fail to understand our issues because of us not having deen in our lives and we not regular with our salaah etc. Also now they suggesting and allowing women in our areas to begin patrolling. Please send me details advice from Quran and Hadith and also the harms of women been involved and exposing themselves to strange men. Please it's urgent.

Wife not ready for more children

Q: I am married age 43 wife age 36 and son age 13 . I was suffering from Leucoderma, also known as vitiligo, is a rare skin disease characterized by white spots and patches. Alhamdulillah , it is cured and no one was aware about this. After marriage I had told her that once I was suffering this disease . When my son was 2 years old he also suffered from this desease. Alhamdulillah, my son is also cured. But my wife is not ready for more kids. She is fearing that our next child may also suffer from this disease. I told her several times that all disease/situations are from Allah Ta'ala and he is only who give us cure. But she is still not ready. In this situation , should I force her for more children? We are having normal relation of husband and wife or I can do second marriage for more kids or I should make sabr?

Black magic

Q: Please help me. My family is suffering for the past one year. In Jan we suddenly saw a taweez at home which was certainly black magic. We are not the ones to go to some one for solution but just rely on Allah and Quran. The year has been a real tough one including my father diagnosed with cancer and two major surgeries plus lots and lots of complications plus ill health of almost all family members. But all this time we stayed patient relying on Allah and Qur'an. Now again my mother found out one more taweez in my room as I stay overseas with my husband and the room is always locked. Please help me find out the meaning of it. Please I beg of you.

Being ill treated by one's father

Q: My father is a banker. From my childhood onwards he doesn't treat me in a proper way. He talks evil to me and even send dirty videos. Try to touch my private parts. I never told anyone about it.I was afraid my family will be separated and my mother will have to suffer for this and I don't want people to thing bad about my father. Now I am 25 years old and completed my graduation. Allhamdullila Allah introduced me to Islam and I reverted to Islam in 2014. Now I read salaah keep roza and try to be in hijab which brings doubt in my parents' mind and they try to oppose. I don't understand what should I do next. please suggest.

Teachers hitting children

Q: There are many madarasahs running in my locality. Specially those teaching kids. The ladies running the madarasa are too violent on kids. 3 year old kids, not even able to speak properly are asked to keep records of their prayers, and when these kids skip a prayer, mostly fajar, complaining that our mother didn't wake up us, the lady says that it's your responsibility to wake up not your mothers, and slap the kids so badly that their cheeks turn red and they begin crying. These ladies use dusting stick to hit on the kids palm so violently that the kids burst in tears. In case, when the kids could not memorise the lesson allocated to them yesterday, the ladies turn their ears in such a way that it's tongue comes out and the ear goes red and the kid cry aloud. Because of the crowd of kids, the lady running the madarasa has appointed other young girls to teach the very young and these girls are even more violent. In one of the madarasa the girl complaining that I couldn't wake up because my mother didn't wake me up was asked to pray 10 nafil to compensate the loss. They behave very badly with kids. Is it permissible to do this kind of violence in teaching Quran? Please support your views with AHaadith. What should I do being in the locality?

Marital problems

Q: Does a wife have to obey her husband if he tells her she can't read istikhara? My husband insists that we live with his parents and unmarried brothers. I have told him that I cannot live there anymore as it is too stressful and besides my room and bathroom I have no privacy. Even when my room door is closed one can still hear us talking etc. From outside the room and even downstairs. We have 2 children and they both sleep in the room with us. My husband and I have been have many marital issues and I eventually left and went back to my parents home because I could not manage living there and I could not take his behavior towards me anymore. He told me that it is haram that I left. I wanted to read istikhara about whether I should go back but he has forbidden me to. Is this correct?