
Stray thoughts

Q: Please advise me. I always think that I am a faasiq and my family and other people around (we are in Nigeria) if I see how other Muslims live in other countries which is not possible here. I have once attempted suicide and I am still thinking of it although I am afraid of it, please help me.

Marital problems

Q: I am very troubled. My husband's Iman is already weak. Once a month we travel to Johannesburg so that I can visit my parents. My husband's parents have a flat here in jhb so we stay there. I have noticed now that in the flat that was furnished buy our in-laws that there is a frame with "Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatu" writtn in arabic. Its hanging in our kitchen. The thing is the kitchen and lounge is all in one, like its bascially 1 room. And my husband watches tv in the lounge. So basically the frame is exposed to the tv and the frame obviously has Allahs name on it. Its not my flat so I can't remove it. And A am afraid to tell my husband incase he says im just being parinode and wont listen. Which would be worse because now I think he doesn't notice. What should I do?

Marital problems

Q: Please advise me. My husband and I are having many marital problems for the past +- 1 & 1/2 years. It's mainly because of my husband's phone. I spoke to him on many occasions but he doesn't want to change. He doesn't show love to me as well. At the moment we are not on talking terms. We only speak what is necessary. The hadith that mentions something to the effect, that the angels curse a woman whose husband is displeased with her and her ibaadah is not accepted, will I fall under this hadith? I am very worried, if my ibaadah is not accepted then how will my duas,tilaawat etc benefit me? Can Mufti Saheb please advise me.

Fear to speak to one's parents regarding nikaah

Q: I am 25 (male) from a well-off family and presently pursuing PhD in earth sciences with a decent fellowship but you know the environment here at the university not very pious (there is co-education in the university) and one finds it very difficult to control his emotions. Nikkah seems to be the best solution to prevent oneself in such a dirty environment but the problem is that I am not able to communicate the same to my parents. Now I request you you if you could spent some moments of your precious time to suggest me how to approach my parents for the same. I am ready to marry any girl from any nationality unless she is a pious and practicing Muslim.

Can the husband use the wife's money to settle his debts

Q: I am suffering from cancer and my treatment requires lots of money. My husband has left his job in order to take care of me and follow all my treatments. He has taken so much loan from his relatives to run his family needs and my treatment. Now he says me that if something happens to him its my duty that I pay the loan giving away my gold which I got from meher and also gift from my mom during marriage. I feel that is the only backup I have for emergency since I also have a baby. But my husband has plans to use my gold to invest or get property rather than simply keep in locker and give zakaat. But I am not willing. Please replay if my husband has the right to do so.