
Accidentally looking into someone's house

Q: I have 3 mental diseases ocd, psychosis and split personality disorder. And sometimes I look at windows of homes when I am not in control and I am stuck in a position to try to look away from them due to it being a sin. I unfortunately sometimes choose the wrong direction to look away from them for example, The window will be covered in a curtain but the sides will be left blank due to the curtain being too narrow to cover the whole window. Do I get a sin for accidently looking into the house in that matter or when I see just the darkness of the room from the sides in this case?

Wazifa for success

Q: I want to ask you about my rizq. I am 21 years old. I want to ask you about my success in life at every step of my life. Please tell me some wazifa or points to take respect and success in the failure time of life. I am very tensed about my career and don't know what will be happen. My dad has passed away and have no source of income. I want to do something for my family but the conditions don't allow me to do any thing. I am very tensed. Please guide me about how to get respect, success and halaal rizq in my life. Nobody agrees to help me. I am alone and live abroad. Kindly tell me the causes of failure and points to get successful in my life with the help of Allah.

Marital problems

Q: I am currently in the following scenario. I gave birth to twins in march 2015. My mother in-law was very sweet till I delivered but later on she was unable to accept the responsibility of handling the kids as I delivered through c section. She called up my mom and asked her to manage kids while she'll manage the rest of the home (authoritatively; important to mention here is that she stays in pakistan and had come to dubai for my delivery). She had a strong spell on her son (my husband) during these days. My relationship with my husband was badly ruined. He start acting the same way with me as my mother in law did. She was harsh after my delivery and had lots of complains with me though the past 4 years of my marriage I was the best daughter in law. Due to her this attitude she made my mom suffer in a cold way during all her stay in dubai. Though my mom was here to help her on her call. It didn't stop here 5 months after my delivery when we went to Pakistan for eid, she insulted and disgraced me for a 3rd person's sake. This person is out of our family and doesn't respect me. I just told her I want to avoid that lady and she started the issue with me. I have been feeling left out since I delivered. This was the time I needed more support psychologically and I was given none. My husband's opinion also changed about me because his mother didn't like me. He too started to have fits of dislike for me on almost all occassions. He started judging me through his mom's eyes though we had had a love marriage. I don't know where has all the love gone now. I had a maid for around 7 months to help me with the house chores while I look after the kids. Changed many but they didn't turn out to be cooperative as they were old ladies and wanted to govern their way, trying to become a mother figure. By 7 months I decided ill manage the house and kids both on my own. My husband doesn't want to help me with the kids and would always say you should hire a maid. Is he fair in saying so when I don't have the peace of mind with maids? Plus aren't the kids supposed to get some time from there father or don't i feel good when he just sits with them for an hour or so keeping in mind that even when he's with them its me who attends to all the needs of my kids. He just keeps an eye and I try to do the laundry or some other household stuff meanwhile. In all these circumstances what do you advise for me plus what should my husband do.

Mother not being pleased with the girl one wishes to marry

Q: My mum is refusing to marry me to a woman because she didn't find her pretty and she didn't like the girl's family. She says that they are dangerous and that the girl is not good (not respectful). But I know from mutual friends that the girl is righteous and she does her best to follow Islam, even if she doesn't wear Hijab. My mother had heard from a lot of families here that the girl's family is quite special and she doesn't like that. So she is arguing with me to not marry this girl. What should I do? I know from personal sources that the girl's family won't give her hand to me if I don't come with my whole family. Please tell me what should I do?

Family problems

Q: I am 14 years old and I am going through a lot of depression in my life. I am very unconfident and find it hard to make friends at school. I have no one to talk to or share my problems with. I used to have my cousin but i feel like i cant trust her as much as before. My dad shows a lot of hatred towards me and I have never known why. I think it is because I am girl because he loves my 11 year old brother a lot. My brother is the completely opposite to me. I have tried to share my problems with him but all he does is makes fun of me and now I regret it. My mum is the only person who I love but I can't share my problems with her because she doesn't understand English and she wont be able to help me. I have these other cousins which hate me and my dad treats them like his own children he distances me away from him but he tries to get closer with them. They always show off with the money they have and all of the things they have. They try to make my life hell they just make my life really stressful. Their mum tries and acts like my mum and says things against my mum so I turn against her and they do the same to my brother. I just want them to stay away from our family so we can lead a better life. They also try and create fights between my mum and her siblings but it never works and thats when they start with me. My dad just listens to them and takes there side and I get into so much trouble for what I haven't even done. I just wish that you can make duaa for me to make friends and make me read my namaaz with my full concentration and my cousins family leave us alone. Thanks for taking time out and reading it and I hope you can reply soon with a duaa to make some friends that I can trust. Please can you help me.

Getting married to save oneself from sin

Q: I have a question about zina. For example there is a man named Adnan and a woman named Fatimah. Fatimah calls Adnan and asks him to come over. Now Adnan is scared he might to do zina with her. So he ejaculates without a partner. Is ejaculating worse then zina or would the sin had been lessened if he had gone to her? And also Adnan isn't capable to get married so was it ok for him to ejaculate without a partner from the intention of saving himself from doing zina? Of course it isn't permissible to ejaculate without a partner (istimbaat fil yad) but was it ok for him to do it that one time to save himself from zina? Should he have made sabr or was it ok for him to do that?