Saying alaihas salaam after Maryam and Aasiya's (alaihas salaam) names
Q: Should we say alaihas salaam after Maryam and Aasiya a.s.'s names?
Q: Should we say alaihas salaam after Maryam and Aasiya a.s.'s names?
Q: I wanted to clear a confusion regarding a child's name.
Regarding a girl's name we shortlisted "MINHA" which we thought means to be "grant of Allah". But when I searched for this word translation, it means "of which". Some relative told me (منحة) word means grant.
So I am not sure about this word pronunciation. Would this be pronounced as min-ha-tun or min-ha?
1) Can one use the title "Imaam" before Hazrat Mahdi’s name?
2) Should one say "radhiyallahu ‘anhu" or "alaihis salaam" after mentioning his name?
Q: I wanted to ask regarding the name Hamdaan, was this a Sahaabis name? If not, was it the name of anyone who came after the Sahaabah?
Q: I am a girl from Pakistan. My name is Ashna, and I personally do not like it. It is not a religious name, but that is not the reason why I do not like it. I simply do not like the way it sounds or the way it looks. Can I change my name with my parents' permission? Or will it be considered showoff or something else? Should I change my name or not?
Q: Is it correct to call someone, alive or deceased a wali, or can only the Asharah Mubasharah be considered wali amongst the ummah?
Q: I am expecting and I wish to name my daughter Yaseerah. Can you please tell me the meaning of this name with reference to Islam or Arabic and if it is a good name to keep.
Q: It is necessary for women to make pardah of their names? Some argue that we know the names of our Sahaabiyyah رضى الله عنها. Can Mufti Saheb please explain.
Q: I just took my shahada and became a Muslim Alhamdulillah. I have a concern about my name, the sister told me that I should have a new name - a Muslim name. But I don’t want to change it as it doesn’t have any bad meaning in Islam or any other languages.
I am aware that it’s not compulsory to change it but I wanted to confirm if I can keep my name.
Q: Does the name Nasreen have a bad meaning with bad luck?
Should I legally change my name, or is it fine to keep?