Keeping the name Habeebullah
Q: Is Habeebullah a suitable name to give to a baby boy? What does it mean?
Q: Is Habeebullah a suitable name to give to a baby boy? What does it mean?
Q: I'd like to know the meaning of the names Zainub and Azraa.
Q: Should we say "rahmatullah alaih" with our deceased parents' names?
Q: Can we name our newborn daughter "Kiswah" meaning Ghilaf e Kabah?
Q: I would like to know what does the name Dihya mean and can I please have some information about Hadhrat Dihya Kalbi radhiyallahu anhu.
Q: Is the name Jaheem correct? I know it means blazing fire if it's used in the context of Jahannam.
Q: Can you please let me know the meaning of the names Filza and Rumaysaa. For Rumaysaa I read in book that it is the name of a Sahaabiyah.
Q: What is the meaning of Maryam?
Q: Can you let me know if the baby names mentioned below are correct and what are their meanings:
1. Zayaan
2. Madeeha
3. Maliha
4. Maira
5. Mahirah
Q: What's the meaning of the name Wakid?