Oaths & Vows

Kaffaarah for breaking a vow


1 .I made a vow for not watching explicit things but I can't remember if I said it out loud with Allah's name. Maybe I did. I remember thinking "if this happens then I'll never do this"I was not aware of the ruling of vows at the time.

2. I also made several promises to Allah about not watching those things and I ended up watching those thing once or twice Astaghfirullah. Do I have to expiate separately for this or does doing it once complete as they are both about not doing the same act.

3. In all the promises and vow I specifically said about not watching pornography but in the recent promise I also said about not watching anything sexual. Yesterday I ended up watching a music video that was of a sexual nature for like 5 seconds before remembering the promise and turning the video off. Does this break the promise and is this promise considered a separate type of promise requiring separate expiation?

Taking an oath not to talk to one's family members

Q: I recently swore upon the Quran in anger that I would not talk to my family members in a fight and if I do, may Allah punish me and give me a terrible death. Allah knows that I did it merely out of anger which I regretted instantly. But now I fear of this stupid and poor act of mines. How can I repent? Is there anyway Allah will forgive me and not punish me?