Valid & Invalid transactions

Selling chickens by weight

Q: My question is regarding weighing. I work in a shop where halaal meat is sold. They sometimes put offers on. For example, 3lb weight chicken breast boneless. The actual weight is maybe 50g for example less because the meat is cleaned from excess fat for the benefit of the customer.

My question is the butchers clean the chicken from excess fat beforehand and put on display. They then give them that chicken less the 50g or so from the 3lb weight. My heart tells me this is not right but maybe it is. Could you please let me know?

Taking possession of an item before selling it

Q: I want to sell items (mostly food) via social media. e.g. tubs of biscuits, sweetmeats, pastries etc. I do not make these items nor keep any on hand i.e. made to order. The items will be procured from multiple home vendors. I will advertise these items via social media and interested parties will contact me to order and pay me for the items. I will then order the items for the buyer and the buyer will collect from me or from known pickup points in different areas. I will be paid before I have the items in my possession and I will pay the baker once I collect/receive the items.

Will I need to get the order, buy/pay and have the item in hand before I accept funds from the buyer? Will this type of model be permissible? If not, what will I need to adjust in my model for it to be permissible?

Selling a property and holding back the property while receiving the rentals until full payment is made

Q: Please advise on the following:

I have a share in a property I'd like to sell privately. The buyer wants a few months to pay.

Can we do the sale as a cash sale rather than credit, and I allow him time to pay, but till he pays the entire amount I hold the ownership of the property and receive the rentals. When the final amount has been paid in full, the property transfers into the buyers ownership and he receives rental.

In essence, for safety reasons and to receive the rental in the interim, will this be permissible, rather than doing a credit transaction where the ownership would transfer immediately and I would have a doubt regarding payment later.

Purchasing a plot for development where the exact location of the plot is not demarcated

Q: Can a plot be purchased in a newly developing area where the exact physical location of the plot cannot be determined? They showed the plot on a map and the roads, other plots adjacent to the said plot, roads and park etc. in proximity to the said plot. They showed us that the area of the said plot and told us that your plot cannot be located now as the demarcation of the plots is not yet done. Is this sale and purchase valid?