Valid & Invalid transactions

Salesman giving a discount

Q: Some salesmen don't accept small change when we make a purchase. Example, I purchased a water bottle for 11 AED and I had 10 AED with me. I gave it to him and said that I will give the 1 AED later. He said ok and the next time when I gave him he said, "Its ok leave it". He is not the owner of the shop. He told me that since its a large industry, 1 AED doesn't matter.

In the college library there is a rule that if a person failed to return a book within a certain time limit, he had to pay a fine of 1 Rupee per day till the book was returned. I returned the book 2 days late and told them that I am late. They told me not to repeat it next time. They did not take the 2 Rupees from me. It was a librarian and not the owner of the college or library who told me that.

Early settlement discount


1) We have customers who buy on credit. Is it permissible for us to tell them that we will give them a discount if they pay before the due date? For example, the customer purchases goods worth R100 000 on a three month credit basis. The customer is told, “If you pay within one month, you will receive a 10% discount”. Is this permissible?

2) I owe someone money through a cash sale, and there were no terms given for payment. If I ask the seller for a discount saying, "If I pay you tomorrow, will you give me a discount? From R10 000, will you make it R9 000?" and he accepts to give me a discount, will it be permissible?

Opening a kids entertainment area

Q: I am a businessman from Pakistan. I was looking into a new business opportunity which is in the kids entertainment industry. I was keen to know whether this sort of business is halal or not.

Basically we are looking into opening a kids play area which will have a softplay area and will have a few games like sports e.g. rock climbing or similar games. Mainly our focus will be kids of all ages but we are expecting teenage girls and boys as well. We won't be able to segregate the play areas.

Secondly, we might also have video games which include cartoon characters and some small rides for kids which are shaped as animals or cartoon characters. I am fully aware that music is haram so we are not planning to use any kind of music in the background.

Buy and leaseback contracts

Q: I want to ask about buy and leaseback in Islam. Is it allowed?

There is this company selling shops in a mall with this buy and leaseback contracts where we own the shop but rights of giving it on rent resides with company and we get a fixed rent of 0.7% with 10% raise per year.

Also the company guarantees 20% price appreciation per year if we sell the shop back to them. All these are written in a single contract. Isnt this just the same as keeping money in banks with a fixed profit?


Q: I'm pretty sure you are aware of how dropshipping works, where someone buys from another person who actually buys from another wholesaler, etc.

So my question is that, would dropshipping be permissible if in the advertisement the following things are stated:

- Time and duration of delivery

- That the actual seller does not have possession of the item

- A thorough description of the item

Forex trading

Q: Is Forex Trading without margin halaal? I mean, if I invest $500 and I trade from this $500 and don't take any loan, will it be permissible? How can I get physical possession on an online platform?