Interest money

Road Accident Fund

Q: This is a follow up question on the Road Accident Fund question:  

The court orders the RAF to pay interest (which is not interest according to Shari’ah) for late payment of the R100 000. Because the RAF paid 6 months later, the plaintiff received R100 000 from the RAF plus an additional amount (over and above the R100 000) for late payment as per court order.

This ‘extra interest amount’ (which is not interest money according to the Shari’ah) which is received from the Road Accident Fund, can it be classified as ta’zeer bil maal (monetary penalty)? If it is ta’zeer bil maal then is this extra amount permissible to use?

Accepting interest money to pay off debts

Q: I'm currently unemployed and had to close down my business and there isn't anyone else in my household working. I have debts too pay off apart from my usual monthly expenses. A family member has offered to give me interest money. Can I accept it and if so can I use it to pay off my immediate debts like my landlord for outstanding rental on the shop I had and one other individual and if there is money left over could I can use it to try and start a small business from home in order to try and earn an income (I don't know the amount of interest money).

Receiving interest money

Q: If x person doesn't have a good income in his business and his business is going in a loss. He doesn't have any other source of income. This x person has a relative who has some money saved in a bank. The bank gave interest to x person's relative for his money in the bank. Can the relative give this interest amout to x person? 

Disposing of interest money

Q: I asked the bank to change my account from profit and loss to current account and stop sending profit to me. They told me that they cannot and told me to make a new account, which I cannot do due some reasons. It is okay if I give the interest money to poor people?

Road Accident Fund

Q: The road accident fund agrees to pay a person involved in a motor vehicle accident R100 000 for general damages. This agreement is taken to the high court so it can be made into a court order. The court order is made on 1 january 2017 that the road accident fund will pay the person R100 000. The court order further states: "In the event of the aforesaid amount not being paid timeously, the defendant shall be liable for interest on the amount at the rate of 10.25% per annum, calculated from the 15th calendar day after the date of this order to date of payment." The road accident fund pays the amount after 6 months of the court order and therefore interest is also received on top of the R100 000.

The question is: Is this extra amount received interest according to the shariah?

Using interest to offset bank charges and disposing of interest money

Q: I have both a current account as well as a savings account at the same bank. On both the accounts, the bank levies bank charges, but the savings account is interest-bearing.

In this situation, can the interest received on the savings account be used to pay the charges levied on both accounts by the bank?

If not, then to whom should the interest be given? Can it be given to non-Muslims and even to street beggars or beggars knocking on doors every week?