Using interest money to build an owl box
Q: Can a person use interest money to install an owl box and bat house on his property?
Q: Can a person use interest money to install an owl box and bat house on his property?
Q: Can we use interest money to build toilets in our home or can we donate it (the interest money) to the musjid for building toilets?
Q: My father started a business, but after some time, one of his staff engaged in fraud, causing the business to become bankrupt. Now, because my father owes money to many customers, he took a loan from the bank to pay them back. However, this loan is accumulating interest which my father will have to pay to the bank. Can I use the interest money that accrues on my account which is separate to my father’s account, to pay the interest amount that my father owes to the bank?
1. Is it permissible to take money from an NGO or Charitable trust for medical treatment (Person who needs the money isn't capable enough to manage the expenditure)
2. Can we use interest money (Savings Bank account) for medical treatment of poor people.
3. Is it permissible to use money from interest received from a non Islamic bank for the purpose of construction of his/her own toilet.
Q: Can we give the interest money to the poor or needy?
Q: Can we pay the 'chartered accountant' his fee hired for calculating the income tax and filing its return from the 'interest money'?
1. Is it permissible to use interest earned on a bank account to donate to charity?
2. If so, can you then invest the interest earned into a separate bank account so as to let it accumulate so an even bigger amount can be donated in charity?
3. If not, what are some of the many ways in which one can dispose of interest received?
Q: I live in India, and employed in a company. I get my salary in cheque which would be deposited to my 'saving account in the bank'. It generates interest after every two or three couple of months according to the norms. I pay income tax on my salary and if the interest that is generated reaches a particular amount then I have to pay tax on that also. My question is: Can I use that interest amount in exchange of the income tax I pay?
Q: Can I use interest money to build a toilet for my personal use?
Q: I have 5 bank accounts in india and all are giving interest on my deposited money. when i got interest i will write in my diary date and amount and after all banks have given interest i will add and sent all the amount to charity like patient or orphan for education etc. but this amount i will sent from one bank. my question is my method do doing interest money is correct or shall i withdraw cash from each bank separtely and pay for charity. please expplain the right method of interest payment.