Observing purdah from non-mahrams
Q: Does a woman have to make parda from:
a. Her dadis brothers son (fathers cousin brother)?
b. Her dadis sisters huband?
c. Her dadis brother?
d. Her mothers sisters husband (khalas husband)?
Q: Does a woman have to make parda from:
a. Her dadis brothers son (fathers cousin brother)?
b. Her dadis sisters huband?
c. Her dadis brother?
d. Her mothers sisters husband (khalas husband)?
Q: I am a mazoor due to non stop bleeding for 5-6 months. I stay away for ten days and pray for twenty days.. The time of my regular flow changed and I have to read salah in the time of heavy bleeding.. Most of the time its amount is very small.. Now I am on my medication and a yellowish discharge is happening so the doctor told me that it is not blood.. I talked with wife of an aalim and she told me that it is haidh.. The doctor told me that after 21 days regular heavy flow will happen and 9 days have gone by of 21 days.. I left salah on 28 july and started on 7 july (4days from today).. Now am I mazoor so do I have to pray in the heavy flow days? Do I have to use tissue when praying salah?
Q: Regarding haidh:
- May 3rd spotting
- May 9th bleeding started
- May 18th ended
- June 2nd spotting
- June 3rd bleeding started
- ended around 15th june
- June 28th, 29th spotting
- July 1st abd 3rd spotting
- July 3rd
- July 5th bleeding started
So my question is regarding July as my bleeding lasted around 10 days. So do I start counting from 5th July or 28th June, because I assume from my habit that my bleeding will stop around 14th July,
Q: Please clarify: My haiz cycle is such that I bleed every 15 days for 9-10 days complete. and sometimes I bleed before my 10 days of haiz. In Ramadhaan my haiz completed 10 days. On the 14th day of my clean days I started bleeding again. And it continued like that till the end of my haiz period. (2 days istehaza + 10 days haiz). my query is this. My time of haiz begins at 3pm on the 15th day of my clean days. I checked before 3pm, prayed asr and only checked again after maghrib. Do I repeat the fast of this day as qazaa or is the fast valid.
1. Can a woman in haiz/nifaas read last 2 ayahs of Sura Baqara and first 10 ayahs of Sura Kahaf with the niyyah of dua for protection?
2. Can she also read other duas while holding a dua book like munajat e maqbool in her hand?
Q: Please advise regarding the following:
1. Is it permissible to cut nails and hair during menstrual period? Elders say to keep it safe until haidh/nifas period is over and to wash it off after that and to bury it.
2. Is there any specific dua in Qur'an or hadees to change the husband into obedient slave of Allah (because he is not convinced of Allah's wrath if he commits zina after marriage. He refuses to stop contacts with a Christian lady over social media saying that theirs was and will be pure frienship. But I knew few months back that they committed zina several times and continuing contacts even after she married another guy). I wish Allah will change him one day eventhough I know very well that he is very much addicted to her. It was his main hobby to chat with strange girls and became close to them. He isnt stopping it after our marriage. He isnt serious about life after death. I dont want him to die as a person who committed zina. I love him sincerely eventhough I wished and prayed before nikaah that the person who marry me will be a religious guy who is concious of deen. My family will consider me as a burden if I become a divorcee, even if I struggled alot and have valid reasons to seek divorce.
Q: I want to ask, I miscarried my baby 2 weeks ago. Bleeding turns into brown discharge. Should I offer namaz with the brown discharge?
Q: I have been given 1 talak and was told from the moulana that I must sit in iddat and after 3 cycles my nikaah will be broken. I want to know whether after the 2nd and 3rd talak do I still sit in iddat?
Q: We are living in a combined family system. my grandparents, parents, uncles, my brothers and my cousins in one big house. My mothers brothers visits us many times a week. I want to ask that to who and how should my wife make parda from these reletives " parday ka hukam kya ha ?"
Q: I am a married lady. I need to ask about sex in menstruation. I had normal seven day period in my life but since my child birth (3 months ago) I have had 2 periods; 2nd period was 8 days before due date on the completion of 7 days of menstruation I thought my periods are finished but I didnt take ghusl yet for purifying myself and I had slight spotting again on the 8th day morning. Thus furthur delayed ghusl and then had sex in the evening thinking that periods would definately be finished by now and I will take a bath after it. Then next day morning I had spotting again, only minor one which was shocking since I didnt take ghusl and my menstrual spotting lasts more than usaual 7 days this time. Have I really committed a haraam act? If yes then whats the expiation?