Qiraan and Tamattu Hajj

Performing tamaatu hajj if umrah was done in the months of hajj

Q: I have performed Umrah recently on 13 Zul Qadah. Reason was that I had to stay in Jeddah and leave for HAJJ on 7 zul hajj from Jeddah. I was told to perform umrah then go to jeddah as I was coming from taif. Now, can I perform niyyah of ifrad or tamattu?

If I perform Ifrad, must I do qurbaani? If so, will it be considered as wajib or sunnah?

I am staying in Jeddah for 3 weeks but my desire is to perform Ifrad hajj as in Ifrad it's sunnah and person of Ifrad is free to go for tawaf ziyaarah after rami and qasr. I prefer Ifrad but umrah in shawwal & zulqadah am I obliged for tamattu or niyyah counts?

Tamattu Hajj

Q: I am planing to perform nafil haj and bestow it's rewards to my late parents and elder brother. Please guide me with the detailed procedure for the same. Also let me know whether after rami on 10 th of Zil Haj can I do the Halaq at Makkah instead of Mina and also how many Qurbani should I offer. Lastly since I will be a musafir can I perform sunnat salat also at Makkah, Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa and Madinah?

One performing Tamattu Hajj travelling to Madinah Munawwarah

Q: Zaid set out to perform Tamattu Hajj from South Africa during the months of Hajj. After performing Umrah he proceeded to Madinah Munawwarah or Taif. When he returned to Makkah Mukarramah he only tied the ihraam for Hajj and he did not make Umrah. Will his Hajj be regarded as a Tamattu Hajj or will it be necessary for him to perform another Umrah upon returning to Makkah Mukarramah for his Hajj to be a Tamattu Hajj?