

Q: Last night I saw a very troubling dream. It is disturbing me a lot. I was watching the sky where masses of clouds were there, some clouds were bubbling out into smaller clouds, I was watching them in amazement and saying some thing to my cousin who was with me..some thing like this is Allah's power or miracle don't remember exactly. But then those clouds started approaching me and they were coming towards me I was very very scared..it started raining too I was running I started calling Allah in fear Rahman Rahman and I kept saying Rahman Rahman..then I reached to some room I guess..then my khala appeared and I asked her whether clouds were gone she said yes and then everything got back to normal.

Dreaming of a restroom

Q: I saw in  a dream in which I saw a restroom and feeling scared of it. One more dream I was in restroom and finding water to wash off. First I took dirty water then I threw that water and took clean water and feeling scared also. Please interpret this dream.


Q: I have recently came Australia on student visa. I saw a dream in which a very big black goat is standing in a adjacent building and its bigger
than buildings. And I am standing in my home back in Pakistan. What does that mean?


Q: Can Mufti please interpret this dream. As I was walking, I saw a few eggs on the ground.They were white in colour and looked very beautifull. I looked around wondering who's eggs they were but there was nobody there so I took 1 egg. I walked a distance and then I took an injection and injected it with creatine (Bodybuilders use it for building muscle). A brown bird came out of the egg. It was huge, much bigger than me and I was teaching it to fly.


Q: I got proposal from a guy of my cast which is agakhani. I personally have different beliefs so I was confused about this proposal. I did istakhara myself in which I saw I am getting engaged and married to him, I also got istakahra done from others all said it is positive. After engagement lots of problems occurred, so much so that the guys parents are forcing him to break the engagement. My question is why did istakhara everywhere came out positive if it was going to lead in destruction?


Q: I saw myself advising kids (they are my neighbours) to recite surah mulk and surah sajdah daily. I was reciting surah mulk along with those kids from the book (wazaif e majmua) and my finger was on Tabarak alazi.


Q: My question is regarding a dream my father had while reading istikarah for me for marriage to a certain boy. It was during Ramadaan and he had a dream that he was on a bus and there were two small snakes and everyone started screaming get rid of it. He flicked the one away and the other one got stuck on the window. Is this a bad dream with a negative sign? Please advise as I do not want to go against my fathers istikarah.


Q: I dreamt about my cousin who is having troubles in her marriage. I dreamt that when I went to visit her, she only had her body from the head to her shoulders, yet she never complained and said Allah knows best and all is fine. What can this possibly mean, its really troubling me?


Q: A few days back I dreamt of stars in the sky shining and arranged in the name of Allah and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) including some Quranic verses.


Q: Please can you explain two dreams I had regarding my late father. Two days after he passed away I dreamt that he came out from a garden, the garden had a big gate covered in leaves. He had a silver tray in his hand. In that tray, there were almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts, all in neat piles. He offered them to me, while saying "lo beta kha"(take beti eat).

I had another dream few months after he died, he was wearing a long white robe, he hugged me and said he is going and would not come anymore. I asked why he would not come, and he said ,"it is time to go". I asked where was he going, but he just said"I have to go now"and then he just drifted away.