

Q: Me and my husband are having difficulties in our marriage and has sent me back to my parents house. What I want to know is that yesterday night I had a dream in which I saw him sleeping with another woman and I caught  him red handed. I then walk out on him saying this was the last thing I expected from you and now I am finishing everything to do with you. Please can you advise me as what this dream meant? It is disturbing me a lot.


Q: I made istikhaarah about a proposal, and had a dream thereafter. The dream is as follows: I dreamt that my suitor was wearing a white kurta, sitting on a chair in a room. With me in the background telling myself that he's a good partner but I don't have to agree to the alliance. Thereafter he made a weird sound with his jaw. What would be the interpretation of this dream with regards to agreeing to the alliance, as this dream was before fajr?


Q: Can Mufti please interpret this dream. I was at my male friends home. In real life I have never seen his place but I know his family and they know me too. I did't remember what I was actually doing there. He and his family members were on the ground floor and I was on the 2nd foor in his bedroom and nobody was there. I was alone. I was searching for some thing and I found a phonebook diary and lot of numbers were written on there. While i was searching his home suddenly I felt something in my nose. I felt there was a lot of mucus and I wanted to blow it then I rushed to the washroom. He wants to marry me. Is he right for me?

Dreams during istikhara

Q: I was hoping if you can interpret dreams that I saw during istikhara. I did istikhara for residency and where I should rank certain programs on a rank list. My istikhara was whether I should rank all Chicago programs on top of the rank list or whether I should rank other programs where I thought I would fit in well and get a better education. I saw two dreams during the entire duration of istikhara which lasted 7 days. The two dreams are narrated below.

1. The first dream I saw was that me, my wife, and two kids were at a water park. The day was nice and we were having fun but I was very concerned
that someone was going to die drowning. I was concerned because my entire family had a chain tied around their neck which was linked to a cylinder
block and was heavy and would weigh them down; hence, they would drown and not return to surface. However, every time my family went down a slide or underwater they would always return to the surface even though they had this heavy block tied to them. I was constantly worried that someone was not going to make it out alive and this happened several times but no one drowned. 

2. The second dream was of me in a classroom of a college. The classroom held over two hundred students. The professor of that class did not like me and I, likewise, did not like him. He would constantly pick on me in class and would make a mockery of me. The professor constantly made fun of me and ridiculed me in front of the whole class. He would purposely pick on me knowing I didn’t know the answer and would be clueless. Eventually, he started coming closer to me each time to mock me and started touching my backside. Each time he would touch my backside my stomach would come outwards. After this I felt really awkward and uncomfortable and ran away. That’s when I woke up from my dream.


Q: I have seen a dream, can you please interpret it? 

Me and my friends are going somewhere. We lost the track and ended up near masjid al haram. I saw the kaba. It was half covered with cloth. As soon as I saw it I was very happy and started staring it. I was staring at it for a long time. then I went to urinate.Tthere was rocky hill kind of thing which had stairs. I climbed the stairs and then urinated while standing. Water was flowing from that rock so I washed and did istinja. Then I came down, made wadu. Then I again came back to the k'aba and started staring at it happily. My friends were leaving and were calling me but I was reluctant to go with them and wanted to do tawaf of kaba. Then I went to a place and saw many black bulls or buffaloes. They were running here and there. I was afraid that they might harm me so I climbed a very tall pillar and held it firmly and watched them from there. Three other persons were also holding the pillar along with me. 


Q: I dreamt that I was digging (I was to bury some thing, I think it got to do with money but I only remember putting a slip of paper with a few sentences written on in) a hole in front of my house. Also my Madrasah Aapa was with me and She was telling me something... i'm not exactly sure but it seemed that Moulana was going to come dig it up later so i should just put the paper in and something so that He will know where to dig tonight. Also when I dug (with a shovel, very easily) after about one shovel I asked must I dig more then Aapa said more so I dug deeper and there were my sisters correspondence university books in. Many of them and there were a few CDs I think they were related to the books too. I kind of just ignored it. I remember throwing sand back in but I only remember seeing the paper being covered only a  little. Then I sort of just drifted away.... I also slightly recall something of my younger brother and sister; they were eager to join me and did not want me to carry on when they were not there.. I think they were inside... I can't exactly recall their part but I felt something like this... Please can Mufti Saheb interpret this dream?


Q: I have had about 3 dreams in the recent past of similar nature, where in the dream I see my wife committing some haram that we hate to even think of , e.g talking casually with other male, walking around shopping centres unnecessarily etc and then I get very angry in the dream. When I wake up I wake up, it is with a great feeling of relief that we do not do things like this and are alhamdulillah practising deen. What do these dreams mean?