
Sitting in the talks of the Ulama and associating with the pious

Q: I want to ask the interpretation of my dream which I saw a few days ago. In the dream I saw a very big musjid filled with worshippers praying and busy with their works.Then I met Molana saad saheb (amir of the tablighi jamaat). Mashallah he was happy and we had a chat for sometime then he told me to go and meet someone called Hazratjee. All the people were trying to get a chance to meet him. I was then called and went with someone to the side of masjid and into his hujra. I found him to be Hazrat maulana Inamul hasan sahab (ex-amir of jamaat). I then shook hand with him and he asked me what I do. I said I am an architect and currently jobless. He smiled but I saw him beardless which I don't like. I woke up at tahajjud time with happy feelings. Alhamdulillah I pray five times and do zikr but undergoing a personal crisis right now. Kindly interpret my dream.



1. I saw a dream. I was told in my dreams that if I accept 20 women as a reward instead of 40 or 60 I will enter jannah. I saw hell fire (jahannam) passed by me but I agreed to demand that I will accept 20 women. I was saved from hell fire, what does this mean?

2) I told you that I saw a dream where I cried just before I woke up because in dreams I was told I might not see Allah so I am worried I will never get to see Allah. This dream does it means I wouldn't see Allah in the next life?

2) Is there any dua to get protection from riba or usury?

Dreaming of a snake in one's mouth

Q: Could you please give me the tabeer of my dream. I saw that there was a snake inside my mouth. I was trying to take him out safely without getting hurt but when I was pulling him out he bit me. I managed to pulled him out. I threw the snake away. I was feeling pain and blood was coming out of my mouth and I was thinking that now this poision will kill me.



1. I saw a dream but I can't remember most of it. End of the dream when I was about to wake up, I started to cry because of feeling or thoughts or something told me that I might not never see Allah so I cried because I may not see Him ever. What does this mean?

2. In this dream my cousin told me my brother is committing shirk, what does this means? I think this dream is from shaytaan.


Q: Last week I saw a dream. I want to know the taber of this dream. After saying my Fajar salah, I slept agin. I woke up of my own loud voice and I heared very clearly, I was reading. " Qull ho wallaho ahaad " Only these 4 words were on my tongue. I was in wudu and it was 6 am. I just need to know the meaning of this action. Just want to share, that These days I am very worried about my daughter's admition in medical school. She is waiting for acceptance letter and also so worried about my son's job. he is waiting for his promotion as he was promised by his boss. So I am praying a lot for my kids. What should I do? Should I read Surah ikhlaas? If yes how many times or don't need to do anything?

Dreaming of getting married to one's husband for a second time

Q: I had a dream that it was my wedding day again and my family are preparing everything again for example decorating our house and cooking food. I had similar dream getting married to husband again, then husband arguing with me. So i asked him why he is arguing for no reason with me. In the dream he carried on arguing with me. Please explain what this means.