
Remaining in pious company

Q: In this dream I had a big rash around my armpits. So I went to see a doctor with my family. When the doctor saw the rash she asked my family to leave the room and then she was preparing to give me an injection but I woke up before she could give it to me or tell me what I had. I was thinking that she was going to tell me that I have a terminal illness or something contagious. Can you interpret this dream for me?

Remaining in the company of the pious

Q: I was standing on a balcony and there was a spacious field beneath me and there were all sorts of animals being paraded. It felt like a mini carnival. There were elephants, horses, camels and animals that I had never seen before. What amazed me the most was the size of these animals. They were the size of buildings. What does this dream mean?

Associating with pious people

Q: I was standing amongst a group of Christians and one of their leaders introduced a man to their congregation. The leader said that this man was a Christian and he became a Muslim but then became a Christian again. Afterwards I tried to talk to this man to find out why he became a Christian again but I woke up before I could speak to him.

P.S: I am a revert. I have been following Islam and I love this religion. This dream frightens me because I was a Christian and I live with Christians but I have no doubts about Islam. The man in the dream doesn't resemble me (has a different skin colour too). What does this dream mean?



1. I saw a dream where my father and brother were giving out chocolate or sweets to people. My father also gave me a sweet. It was long dream I can't remember everything. I remember a lady was asking me how old I was. It felt like my father was celebrating a good news by giving out sweets. In real life my family talking about getting me married.

2. This dream I was in a lift(elevator), it's going down very fast as if the lift was going to crush and I am going to die. I started to recite kalima tayyibah. I saw this kind of dreams in past before, I was in a lift and the lift gone out of control. I was about to die so I recited Kalima tayyibah.

3. Any dua to see only good dreams?

4. Every night I see a lot of dreams, is this normal?

5. I red in a book that if you keep Surah Maryam in a bottle you will see good dreams, is that true and can I do that? If I do that, would I commit a sin?


Q: I have seen in a dream my boss wife came to our house, car park is bit messy with sandals but she entered in TV lounge and sat next to me and started looking at my feet and ankles which are very bright and beautiful at that time. After a while my boss came to my house as well. Secondly I saw dreams which interpretation is regarding more boys or women, what does it mean? I am a married man with two sons and happy but don't know why I see these type of dreams.

Driving in the countryside in a dream

Q: Recently just around tahujjud time I dreamt my family and myself were driving in the countryside. The scenery was very beautiful and very neat and orderly lots and lots greenery in different shades of green. Down in the valley was a winding river and also a beautiful full mane lion playing around in the distance not facing us. I told my family see Allah is all around us meaning see how beautiful Allah's creation is. Please may I know what is my dream about.

Consulting one's parents in regard to nikaah

Q: I have read istikaarah namaaz regarding marrying a boy I am intetested in. The first night I read, I had a confused dream. The second night that I read, I dreamt that the boy had passed away as well as two other females. A Moulana read the janaazah for the one female and she was his wife. If I remember correctly the second female was his daughter. He read a separate salaah for each. He was then supposed to read the janaazah salaah for the boy I'm interested in but he told me he cannot read it and he refused and I think he apologised. Thereafter the grave of the boy was moved, it was as though the entire grave was relocated to another location but it was not a graveyard and I remember the moulana tapping the top sand of the grave. The place where the graves of the other two females were also not in a graveyard. Please tell me what this means.

Red roses covered with dew emerging from between one's teeth in a dream

Q: I did istikhara for three days regarding marriage. The first two days I saw the boy who I was doing istikhara in regards for, but I don't remember those dreams too clearly and then on the third day, I saw that I was facing a mirror and using floss to clean my teeth. From in between my teeth, big, fresh, red roses covered with dew were emerging from between my teeth.

Seeing two birds in a dream

Q: I saw two black beautiful birds entering through my room window. After they entered they flew to the door to exit. I was on the bed and said something to make my presence known. When they heard me, they flew towards me to come and attack me. In defence I tried to wrap them into the duvet and by mistake one got killed, because of that the second one began attacking me even more. Keeping in mind my safety I defended myself and so I killed this bird as well.