

Q: Recently I have been dreaming a lot about snakes. The last dream was so scary that it felt so real. I dreamt that I was going somewhere and wherever I went there was a snake in front. Eventually I was at this place and sitting and opposite me was a lady and we were talking and besides us was a sleeping snake. My daughter then disturbs the snake and it just springs up and sinks its fangs into my right leg and I can feel the bite and also the venom seeping through my veins. I get up with a fright and I can actually feel the pain in my leg where the snake bit me. Please can you tell me why am I having such frightening dreams that it actually feels so real.

Dreaming of snakes

Q: I frequently see snakes. I am all surrounded by them . Then snakes swimming in deep water and even I am in the same water. I got scared because of  those snakes. What would be the ta'beer.


Q: My Father dreamt that he was walking in the Sky in backyard of some house there (in the sky) which was surrounded by rocks. He saw one rock was loose and was about to fall on earth. He thought that if this rock fall on earth it will hurt somebody so he fixed that rock or placed that rock safely in surrounding. What is the meaning of this dream?


Q: I had a dream I went to a salon and all the barbers were female and I had a stylist hair cut but the barber was female and the rates were very high.


Q: I had four small dreams on the same night which I hope you can provide some interpretation for:

Before fajar

Dream 1

In the dream I wake up for work but then realise I have woken up too early and go back to bed. My father calls me to his room and asks me to do something which could take all night I ask him can I do it tomorrow as I need to get some rest before work. After a while he calls me again to look out the window. I look and can see a large dog like animal (it is fluffy and has grey and white hair.) in our back garden who has a smaller child with it. There is a shed with hey on it where my brothers cat is sleeping comfortably. The animal jumps on this and I fear it will kill my brothers cat. The animal at this stage turns into a black panther cat. My brothers cat escapes and is ok.

Dream 2

I am at my parents old house and there is something wrong with my car I put it in our garage but the garage door does not shut or lock properly I fear someone may get into the garage and take/damage my car.

Dream 3

I am in a shop looking to buy coriander but they have sold out. I ask someone and they give me some but it is only the stalks and they look like celery. I chop them up to take home. I am in the passenger seat of a car a lady is driving who in real life I have never seen. We drive passed some really nice beautiful houses and then come to a house which is a restaurant. Out side of it we meet the lady's daughter and my ex husband and sister in law. My sister in law looks completely different to what she does in real life.

After fajar

Dream 4

I am at a house and my ex husbands first cousin, wife and daughter are there ( in real life this couple have 2 sons and no daughters) the child has blonde hair and is very beautiful. My brothers sister in law comes in and I offer to make her tea. My ex husband also comes. He is packing things In The house to move and I am trying to speak to him to sort our problems. The scene changes and I am at my current house. My brothers sister in law, my father, mother and I are looking out my bedroom windows and the whole Pakistani community that we know in this city gather out side my ex husbands brothers house as he is going back home (he lives in a different at country). I see the remaining of my brothers sister In laws in the crowd trying to comfort the family as they wave him goodbye. My mother comments that he must be very much liked and is lucky to get such a send off.


Q: My sister saw a dream she and her husband were resting in my parent's bed room and suddenly they saw a Black scarry cat on the wardrobe and my sister said they saw me entering the bedroom and throwing the black cat out of house and they felt. What is the meaning of this dream.


Q: I dreamt that my boss had a sore on his foot and it was full of pus and open and two worms kept on appearing on the wound and every time we destroyed the worms, another two worms would appear on the wound. What does that mean?


Q: A lady was newly married. She saw a dream that she got married with our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Two days later her husband died. After compleating the Iddat, people encouraged her to marry again but she refused it by saying that when our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) passed away, none of his wives married again. So is her view right or not?


Q: In my dream I saw my father-in-law (my husband's father) crying a lot and I saw him alive. NOTE: But in real life he died. It's been 8 months he has passed away.