

Q: This morning I saw a dream. My father's dentist cut a part of my father's gum because he believed it could be harmful to his health, but in my dream, my father complained that the dentist did not ask him his permission before doing the operation. Afterwards, in the dream, my father's mouth was bleeding and his state was a bit worrying as the bleeding did not stop (even though there wasn't much blood) and he was using tissue to try to stop the bleeding.


Q: I dreamt that a handsome man put a silver necklace with a square pendent around my neck that had the ayat ul kursi written on it. Is this a good dream or bad. I have a lot of strange dreams such as a chameleon lizard in my house changing to the environment and getting into my husbands blanket. I do pray and am fearful but I am scared Allah Ta'ala is angry at me. Please can you tell me what my dream means so I can repent and make dua insha Allah.


Q: I have seen a dream at early morning at time of fajar prayer. I have seen my sister (married for four years but no child) she died due to some operation. We are in our old house crying for her death. Meanwhile I can feel some (Jin) or (soul) or badruh in some black colour trying to make me afraid and my father. I start reading durood sharif and keep reciting loudly, and at the same time I throw water in the house (spry water top to bottom in side of room ) to judge where is (jin or badruh or soul). I woke up with fear, afraid, and I can hear the fajar azan. I have one sister we are worried about her, she was once operated and before 3 days I went to a peer and I asked him to give me some taweez and wazifa for my sister. Before the dream I slept early after my dinner which I had rice. Please email me the tabeer.

Dreaming of a lizard

Q: What will be the tabeer of seeing a lizard in a dream? I saw many lizards are together and they are quite big in size than normal. I had these kind of dreams at least 10 times in 1 year. But today in my dream, I saw just one lizard and it was a dead lizard. kindly guide me.


Q: I had a dream of a cat. I don't know if the was is male or female. I saw the cat attacked me and bit me on my hand. I was scared and I killed that cat. When I saw my hand there was nothing. Noting happened to my hand.


Q: I have wrote some dreams about my husband that in the dream he is not talking, about falling and about bathrooms. After the interpretation you have suggested five times salat and a dua for joining harts of husband and wife. By Allah's grace I'm punctual and regular in salaah and I always tried my best to fullfil the rights of my husband and he knows this. Even he told me that he don't want to disgrace me or leave me but as he comes back home his mind gets blocked and he feels a burden on his shoulders. When he is absent from home he feels good after coming home he becomes irritate for nothing or if we go outside with each other every time his mood become off. He stops talking with me or starts quarrelling with me and the kids. I want to know what's the reasons of this because the same things I sees in dreams.


Q: Since I got married I saw some dreams continuously. I need to know their tabeer. I saw that my husband and me are in our bedroom but he is silent and not talking with me. I'm trying to talk but he is sitting separate, in some dreams I saw I am standing in a unknown toilet, its very dirty I don't want to see that place but I'm standing don't know why? Many times I saw I'm on top of a high building, it's so high that I can't see the ground and I feel I'm falling from it, sometimes its a high mountain. I also saw I'm going to the airport, my luggage is ready and checked in, I got boarding card but same time I'm in a toilet. I have my monthly mensural problem and in this condition I'm so upset what to do. I also saw 7,8 white dogs some are male and some are female. They stopped me in a graveyard and are not letting me go out. In some dreams I saw I have to go to some important place like airport but I'm getting late without any reason. Still now I get these types of dreams especially falling from buildings and toilets. I'm so worried.


Q: I had a dream in which the were 3 or 4 black dogs that came by me; they looked very healthy and somewhat security dogs and I got very scared but I knew it would be foolish to run away so I petted the one dog and it was friendly and slowly I walked away. Can Mufti Saab interpret this dream for me?


Q: I had dreamt that I was laying in a pool of water with my friends from school, which were girls, however I was submerged naked under water. Please explain the meaning of this dream.


Q: I have four small dreams which I hope you will kindly interpret. All were on the same night.

1. I am in my parents living room (where I live) with my older brother and his children. I see a black spider on the ceiling and run out the room. My brother deals with the spider I am not sure if he kills it or just throws it out.

2. My niece, nephew and I are in a strange rainforest type place. The water of the forest is green. My niece and nephew are playing in it I tell them to come out as I can see it bubbling and fear the water. I then look in the distance and see a tsunami like green wave coming towards us over the trees. I take my niece and nephew and hide in a trench. Once the water passes We are ok. After we go to a shower room to clean our selves from the green water by having a shower.

3. I am with friends and family and have just got of a flight which has landed in Bangladesh. We are looking to catch a connecting flight to Malaysia. We can not find our route out and to the next terminal. We ask someone and they say our flight is not scheduled it is a helicopter which will take us. I feel very scared as the weather does not look good out side and I say I am not going on a helicopter we were told it was a plane.

4. I am in my parents old house with my brother, cousins and two of there friends (who are brothers). We have a climbing frame which has a swinging rope on it. Both of the brothers are playing on this. The first brother as he swings breaks the frame and swings back down some stairs. Everyone laughs but I am concerned as the stairs are concrete and so is the floor. The other brother also breaks the frame and falls sideways into the next door neighbours garden.