

Q: I dreamt that a doctor came in my dream and he said you will be cured and let me give u some flour and some Corn flour and I will Dumm It. In the dream he called someone to bring those flours. What does this mean?


Q: I am a married women and my husband is working in another country. In the afternoon I was sleeping due to back pain. In a dream I saw a black mouse and  I got scared of it. Then I saw myself sleeping and I saw maybe jinn or satan (I don't know ) had slept very closely with me from my back and his hands are on my chest. When I opened my eyes I got very tensed and couldn't speak anything then I started reading Ayatal kursi then also it didn't move. I started reading yaseen and blowing on him then slowly slowly he was moving away from me. I felt his touch while sleeping in the dream.


Q: I saw my sister and brother in law my dream. My brother in law was building bricks around the wash basin. And He was telling me that he will
stick these bricks with a glue. Does it mean anything?

Dreaming of snakes

Q: I've seen many snakes. Out of these snakes there was small snake who looks like naughty. Then from one side big snake appear and eat small snake. Then from air a big snake appear and the bite previous big snake who was eating small snake.


Q: I saw a dream about my brother's wedding that is on 21st of this month. I saw that his in-laws were not giving the day according to my sister's choice. Then I angrily went to them that they should set the day so my sister can also join the wedding. When I reached their gate my brother's mother in-law stoped me and said don't come inside my husband will not listen to you, he will snatch the paper from you. So I stopped and look at her hubby in surprise and hid my papers behind me. I worry will this marriage be good for my brother? I also watched in another dream that a huge fight happened during wedding. I was searching for my brother but I couldn't find him. At last he was laying on the roof or floor (I don't remember correctly). I asked why are you here. He said mom told me to do gurgul (clean throat with salt water). Now I am vomiting and its time for me to be ready as a groom. Please guide. I really worry what will happen to him. 


Q: I did my medicine in Pakistan. After marriage I moved to USA. My mom is a doctor in Pakistan and my brother is a doctor in USA. I did istikhara for myself and my career and I saw a dream. I saw my mom on one side and my brother is on other side. It seems that I left behind my mom. I am in the middle and I am sitting beside a sea shore. Above the sea is Allah Ta'ala's name written in the clouds. I don't remember clearly if I am crying or not.


Q: In my dream I saw that quiad e azam was sitting on a chair and he cut two nails of his fingers. 1 he gave to me and the second to my elder sister. What does it mean?


Q: I am seeking istikhara interpretation which I did for marriage. I was shown photos of 2 girls. One was wearing pink clothes and the other blue and was introduced to us by my brothers wife. In the dream I saw it was dark and my brother is saying I should get married to that girl who was wearing blue clothes in photo. Then I saw her laughing and happy and then she looked towards me and said Blue color suits you and I saw myself sitting there wearing a blue t-shirt. I am confused now whether she is a good match for me as some people say blue color in a dream represents depression and calamity and seeing someone laughing is not a good sign. Please guide me.