

Q: I recently got engaged as arranged by my family to a guy who is religious too. Now we realise insensitivity from the grooms side in day to day genuine affairs. Perhaps my parents might call off the engagement. I am disturbed. I had left everything to the will of almighty Allah plus I also offer prayers. Yesterday Thursday night I dreamt of flying in the air by placing something underneath my feet. I have stopped talking to the boy and his
parents. Its still confusing for me to take a decision. Being a doctor too I am unable to focus on my studies. Hoping for some suggestion in the perspective of Islam.


Q: I have seen Khawab few months ago. It was like that - I was sitting in the Masjid near to my house after namaz. Suddenly, 2 persons came who
were wearing black burqua and said that the time has for your death. I was shocked and got in depression that my death time has come. At this moment, I just thought that people used to tell me that my age will be huge then how come death will come early?I stood and started running to my home. Before reaching my home both persons captured me and took me to a nearby place to my home. There was an empty plot and there is a grave for me. They tried to pull me in the grave alive, but suddenly I got up.

Istikhara and dream

Q: My problem is about my istakhra problem I am doing for marriage. I am getting confused because I am seeing mix dreams. Some times good an bad some times. But it is also true that I was always in confused situation while making istikhara. On the other hand the girl with whom I am getting married preformed it for 2 times and she saw me in her dream and I was wearing shiny green dress and white light noor on back ground. I have asked many people like wali allah and aamils to do istakhara for me by their spiritual powers they all have told me that this proposal is best for me. I have done ishtakhara by Quran majeed an tasbeeh and it was positive but I am confused about my bad dreams. Kindly help me.


Q: I saw a dream in which me and my sister were  having tea. And I was telling her that ammi had made this tea in Tahajjud for both of us. My bhai was there too so I poured some of it from mine and my sister's cup and served it to my bhai as well.


Q: I had a dream before fajr namaaz. I dreamt I was going to my friends husbands 3 days ziyarat and as I was going into the yard I saw my brother and sister together. My brother was busy counting money and he gave my sister money and I started crying and telling him that she has lots of money and I do not have money. Why are you giving her the money and not giving me. Thereafter I saw everyone leaving the lounge area and as I peeped inside I saw the man's body wrapped up in white kafaan looking very nice and fat and his wife or mother sitting by the stomach and running her hand up and down. Thereafter I get up with a shock. After fajr namaz same morning I then see another dream after that a picture of a big black wolf and 4 black babies on a mat. As I walk a man with a big beard is walking alongside me and as I come near the mat, the babies come alive and start biting me and this man is not helping me. Then I see myself being bitten by a big black dog and the owner of the dog is my brother who gave my sister money, this dog has my hand in his mouth and biting and I can feel its teeth and then I see people fighting and lots of blood.

Dreaming of Madinah Munawwarah

Q: I have been getting certain dreams in the past few months of Madeenah Munnawarh, visiting the rawdah and greeting the beloved prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Last night I had a dream of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in a black kafn with gold writings and I was in masjidun nabawi shocked by what I was seeing. I can't remember seeing his face but I did see the full shape of his body whilst crying out of love for him.


Q: I had a dream about Allah Ta'ala speaking to me and it was like this I could see my 2 children in Jannah inside the door way sought of showering and playing happily then Allah Ta'ala spoke to me and said don't worry just now I am going to bath you and put you in Jannah. I was extremely happy with speaking to Allah Ta'ala so happy I can't explain it but when I got up I forgot about my dream then suddenly I thought of Allah Ta'ala speaking to me and that beautiful feeling came back to me. I just want to know what it means. 


Q: Last night I saw very scary dream which woke me up in fear in the morning at 6 o'clock. In my dream I saw I am sitting with 2 of my friends in a old empala car, myself sitting on the back seat, my freind was taking the car in reverse, and I was guiding him, all of sudden the electricity shutdown, and everything turned unvisible, I am chatting with my friends after few minutes, the power came back, and all of sudden I saw many types of snakes has surrounded me in the car along with my friends, as I started shouting for help, one of my freind told me, not to get scared, as these snakes came due to our car engine voice, when we were going in reverse and the power of the area turned off, I woke up in fear, and I am very disturbed this whole day. Can you please help me out, why I had seen this type of dream, usually I don't remember any dreams, but this was very much terrific and horrible. Please suggest me as per Islamic point of view.


Q: My husband has lost his job three months ago. He has been trying desperately, but no gain. Regarding this, I am quite worried. Before going to sleep yesterday, I recited many Quranic surahs and asked Almighty Allah’s  guidance in this regard, as to in which direction, we should move. In my
dream, I saw someone knocking the door at 2'0 clock night. My husband opens the door and a person hand over a magazine to him. Then all of a sudden a group consisting of 3 men and 2 women entered my house. These people seem to be Non-Muslims. The women entered my kitchen and started cooking. The men lied down on the bed with my children. I felt irritated and asked them to leave the house immediately. The women said, they are cooking and cannot leave. Then I decided to scream and call for help, but not able to do so, since I am worried about my children. After this I woke up and saw the time. It was 1.45 am. I said LAHAWL WALAKUWATA and prayed to Allah for his help. I went to sleep. I started dreaming again. In my dream, I am discussing the previous dream with my husband and asking him to shift to another house. Please note that We had purchased this house 6.5 years back and since then, we have been witnessing some or other problems. We are from India and had purchased this house from a Non-Muslim.