Climbing Jabal Rahmah on the Day of Arafah
Q: Is there any virtue in climbing Jabal Rahmah on the day of Arafah?
Q: Is there any virtue in climbing Jabal Rahmah on the day of Arafah?
Q: What should a person do upon arriving in Arafah?
Q: What is the sunnah time for one to leave Arafah for Muzdalifah?
1. When can the wuqoof of Arafah be made?
2. What is the sunnah time of wuqoof in Arafah?
3. What is the compulsory amount of wuqoof in Arafah for one’s wuqoof to be valid?
Q: I have heard that when one is in Arafah and Muzdalifah, then one should engage in wuqoof. What does wuqoof refer to?
Q: What is the sunnah time of wuqoof in Arafah?
Q: If a person did not make wuqoof in Arafah, is his hajj valid?
Q: If a haaji missed the wuqoof in Arafah due to being hospitalised, will his hajj be valid?