Various masaail of trade

Who is responsible for shipment or courier when ordering an item?

Q: I ordered an item from overseas. When ordering, they offer you various shipment options, such as couriers, post office, etc., with various pricings.

1. Does this make me responsible if the post office loses the item, because I chose who I want to deliver the item to me, making them like my wakeel to accept the item and transport it to me. However, on the other hand, the seller still remains in control of the shipment since they sent it. For a lost parcel the seller will have to contact the post office and submit the claim, etc. not me.

2. The parcel disappeared, it seemed to be lost. The seller sent a new item by courier, which reached me within a week. The seller (non Muslim) will make a insurance claim for the 1st item from the post office. Can I use this 2nd item they sent me?

3. A few months later the first item arrived in the post. However customs want a payment of R1000 to release it. I need this shipment to be sent back to the seller because I have already received the 2nd parcel they sent, and this is extra. Who will have to pay for the return shipping and customs fees?