Sports & Games

Playing cricket and earning from it

Q: I have some question related to cricket, professional cricket and earning from it whether it is halaal or haraam.

1. Today, league cricket is going on all over the world, these countries are non-Muslim countries, so sponsors, advertisements, etc. are not according to Islamic Sharia. My question is that these team owners take money from sponsors, advertisements, etc. Is the money they are getting from there forbidden according to Islamic Sharia? All Muslim players are aware of how the money is coming and it is illegal, yet the salaries they are getting or the contract with the team owners is also haraam or not?

2. In Pakistan and India also the team owners get sponsorship from betting companies and with this money they pay the salaries of the players and staff members so as a Muslim we should not play league cricket according to Islamic Sharia? Players who are receiving salaries or contracts with team owners is also forbidden or not?

3.Pakistan and India cricket board receives budget from the government but also contracts with sponsors and advertisements which is forbidden according to Islamic Shariah, with this money they pay the salaries of players and staff, so with this money taking a salary is also forbidden for players or not? ICC (International Cricket Council) also gives money to all cricket boards and since ICC is not following Islamic Shari'ah, so money from ICC is also haraam or not?

4.Under these circumstances, can a Muslim play professional cricket or not?

5. The player proudly says that we are playing for our nation and the fans also support him as a national hero, so what does Islam say about nationalism?

Padel Tennis

Q: Padel tennis is taking our society by storm. It is being promoted as a family game. There are some Padel tennis courts being developed in the Muslim communities for women in pardah to come and enjoy a game without compromising on their pardah. They call it pardah friendly courts. Some are going to the extent of building female only courts.

I fear that this new craze is going to be a huge fitna. The bats are also being sold at ridiculously high prices. Please advise as how to not despise, but conscientise.



I've been diagnosed with ovarian failure and it's been difficult for me to get periods. I was prescribed to do yoga, and have got periods by doing them before too. But there's been many contradictions regarding yoga. I've tried normal exercises instead of yoga but didn't get any results, except for weight loss.

Would it be permissible for me to practise yoga poses without doing anything against the Islamic aqeedah? I take special care to ensure I don't do any doubtful poses like sun salutation (I just ended up doing it onetime without knowledge, that too I didn't complete it properly because it looked doubtful) and all. I also avoid taking it as anything except for prolonged physical movement.

Training to be a boxer

Q: We are aware that boxing and hitting the face or head isn't allowed. In some places, training is undertaken with headgear and other protection, this happens under the supervision of trained professionals. This is only for training and not on a professional level.

Is this permissible?

Playing games that contain blasphemy

Q: While playing video games, if the character we are playing utters or does something blasphemous, do we lose our imaan.

1. Does blasphemous talk involve Christians cursing too?

2. What is the definition of blasphemy?

3. What if while playing a game, I accidentally chose a character whose dialogue is known to have blasphemy in it. But, during the entire duration of the play, that character did not say any such thing. However, since I know that the character says such things in other instances of the game (even though those instances did not come when I was playing), I am now worried about my imaan.

Would my imaan be in danger because of this and will I have to redo my nikah?

Playing a game that has shirk in it

Q: Is the one who is playing the following game committing shirk even if he is not pleased with the shirk part of the game and is not doing anything to intentionally make the character in the game to do shirk:

You are playing as a character who sometime says ‘Jesus’ or ‘for christ sake’, but you are not making him directly say it (he says it because of some other actions you did in the game). Also that character respawns after being killed.

Is there a difference if the volume is turned off but the character is still moving his mouth?