Applying oud with alcohol content
Q: Is applying oud halaal or haraam since in many oud's, the producers add alcohol although the alcohol is evaporated at about 15°C to 20°C (as per the producers comments)?
Q: Is applying oud halaal or haraam since in many oud's, the producers add alcohol although the alcohol is evaporated at about 15°C to 20°C (as per the producers comments)?
Q: I just wanted to ask why is getting a tatoo haraam?
Q: Is it allowed to use widely advertised shampoos and soaps with non-halaal ingredients?
Is it allowed if it is for medical reasons like to cure dandruff, acne, etc.?
Q: Can I wear jewellery with feathers?
Q: Gold is haraam for men to wear but is silver allowed to be used in rings or watches and is there a specific quantity limit?
Can I wear watches which contain platinum or palladium?
Q: Is it haraam to write on the body with a pen?
Q: Is applying surmah for beautification considered as sunnat or is it only when one has an eye problem then applies it that it would be considered as a sunnat?
Q: Can you please acquaint me with all the Ahaadeeth and Fatawaa regarding the wearing and usage of finger-rings for males.
Q: Is it necessary to investigate about halaal status of hand and body lotion?
Q: Can men and women wear perfume or deodorant?