Authentic & Unauthentic Islamic Books

Authentic books on Stories of the Prophets (alaihimus salaam) and Seerah

Q: Do you have any history books on Islam (be it Stories of the Prophets alayhis salam, or just general history books on Islam)? On top of reading Bahisthi zewar, I'd like to learn more about the history of Islam and stories of the prophets Alayhis salam so I'd like to know the names of a few books that I can read.

Also do you know any authentic books about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? And books about the Sahabbah radiyallah anhum?

These books can be in Urdu or English but preferably English and length comprehensive books I would prefer. 

Reading any Islamic book

Q: I have a goal to finish reading all of our Islamic books in the house this Ramadhaan. I'm not sure what the content of my Islamic books are. It is books that I have never opened. They may or may not have Quraanic verses, hadith, etc.

Is it permissible to read Islamic literature during the days of haidh?


Comprehensive tajweed kitaab

Q: Several years ago, my Qaari Saheb taught me proper, comprehensive tajweed principles along with their application. Eventually, I forgot the principles although if I am asked to recite something, I can Alhamdulillah recite it properly.

I wish to revise tajweed. Please suggest a book (in any language: English, Urdu, or Arabic) that explains the principles comprehensively.

Reading the Yusuf Ali translation of the Quraan

Q: I would like to ask a question regarding the Yusuf Ali translation of the Quraan. I heard in a lecture that Yusuf Ali was unable to speak the Arabic language as well as the fact that they say his version is incorrect.

I also read the same facts online. Can I continue reading this version as I have always done so. Or could you advise me on what is the best translation of the Holy Quraan I could find.