Zina (Adultery)

Status of the marriage if one member is involved in constant zina

Q: I wanted to ask if there is a lady and she has a husband who has had an affair which she recently discovered was also physical in nature for 2 years or so with a married woman, is the nikaah nullified for the wife?

As this husband continues to commit adultery and simultaneously have relationship with the wife? If the marriage is not nullified, what dua should one make for reconciliation after such deceit?

Parents responsibility of taking care of their son's illegitimate child

Q: Should someone accept their son’s illegals child and child’s mother. The son’s point of view that he is responsible of his deeds. Our point of view is that we will never accept the child and his mom as she is not his legal wife so only this behalf that she is child’s mother we can’t accept. We think that if we will accept them then we will part of his haraam action. Are we right or wrong?

Attribution of a child born out of wedlock and punishment for zina

Q: I met a female through social media which I think is a Jew or Christian. I told her that you are my sister and she spoke to me several times.

One day she told me that she had baby. I was puzzled because she never told me before that she was married. I ask her whereabouts of her husband and she revealed very a shocking story.

A Muslim person from my place met her several times and that person was telling her that he is spiritual guide and pious in all ways and she came under his influence. That person had a physical relationship with her several times. I asked her whether he did nikah as per sharia or not and she told me that he said that this is a blessed spiritual marriage. I was shocked to hear about how a Muslim can cross the lines that's well defined in Quran and Sunnat.

She further revealed that when she got pregnant, he refused to accept that it's her baby and he is the father of the child. She left that person and gave birth to that child.

I take note of this and started searching for that person. I was further shocked that he was already married and had two sons and he is from a well reputed family. I contacted again that lady and she told me that she was aware of that he is already married but she never expected that he will leave her after pregnancy. She said that she ask him to marry her as per Islamic laws but he denied.

What is the solution to this issue? The baby is already born and she is taking care of that baby.

What laws of punishment will apply to that person according to sharia law?

If somehow I put pressure on that person to marry this lady, is this allowed and shall it be recognized according to sharia law?

As far as I read in hadiths, stoning till death is the only punishment for such a sin.

Child born out of wedlock

Q: If a child is born out of wedlock (through zina), will he be attributed to the mother or the biological father? The biological father is pleased to take him as his own child and give him his surname. Is he the responsibility of the biological father and will the biological father have any rights over him? What is the shar'ee ruling in regard to a child born out of wedlock?