Divine Books

Reading the Bible and other scriptures

Q: I accidentally read a few verses of the Bible, now I read that we are not allowed to read the Books of the other religions because we might disbelieve in what we must believe in and vice versa. So I was stricken with waswasa. I got really confused while reading them, so I said I neither confirm nor deny these verses and also I neither confirm nor deny if these are in the Quran. Now if those verses and whatever’s mentioned in that really in our religion, will I have committed kufr? What should I do? 

Looking into other scriptures


1. What if we come across something from the books of other religions, if it's not in the Quran or Hadith, what should we do? Should we neither confirm nor deny it?

2, Also, is it correct to believe that absolutely nothing in the Books is in its true form exactly as it was revealed to the other Prophets? Like there is not a single verse in the Holy Books that is in its original form now.